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An Honest Story Could Kill You
Earlier this year, Russian journalist Anton Voloshin and his colleague Igor Kornelyuk were killed by Ukrainian military mortar fire. Russia’s Sergei Dolgov, who was an editor at newspapers Hochu v SSSR, is believed to have been tortured and killed by pro-Kiev elements. Anatoly Klyan, a cameraman for Channel One, was killed in an overnight attack by Ukrainian forces on a bus carrying journalists and soldiers’ mothers. Italian photo journalist Andrea Rocchelli and his Russian interpreter were killed in a ditch by Ukraine security forces mortar fire back in May. So as you can tell, covering the other side of the Ukraine upheaval story is proving extremely hazardous for storytellers.
The news we are fed, here in Germany, and in the rest of the west, it’s become as unreliable as any tabloid. Worse still, the people who try and ask the right questions, even viable answers to “what’s really going on in the world” - we’re subject to extreme criticism, undue scrutiny, and as you see, even a death penalty for some. Meanwhile, the Associated Press affiliate run by AP Chairperson Mary Junck’s Lee Enterprises in Sioux City Iowa…. well, those readers get a headline, an AP picture of pro-Russians in Donetsk on a tank, and no proof of the headline ‘”US: Russia is firing across border into Ukraine” whatever.
Now there’s continuity and consistency for you. The State Department and the press, ad nau·se·am. How stupid do they think you are?
Mighty, pitifully, and deadly stupid.
Editorial note: The commentary, opinion, and viewpoint of the author are his and not necessarily those of Everything PR News or other staff.
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