И такое, теперь, случается…

Dec 21, 2013 15:58

Я, обычно, на свой “нормальный” телефон “говорю” только “автоответчиком”. Потому что, сейчас, на него звонят, в основном, телемаркетеры. Это такие “умные” человеки, которые хотят вам что-то продать. Конечно же, с целью, вас обмануть. Можно написать еще короче, которые хотят вас обмануть.

Вот для них у меня и существует “автоответчик”.

Вчера, к примеру, мне пообещали от Государства $3 000 (три тысячи) долларов. Правда, при условии что мне уже за 60 и при еще каких-то там условиях. Я, все это, прослушал в “он-лайн” режиме и сразу же удалил. Не нужно мне $3 000.

Но здесь, еще и так бывает…

Typically, when you receive a call from a robot telemarketer, you hang up. But Time magazine’s Washington Bureau Chief Michael Scherer decided to engage what he suspected to be a health insurance related robocall, and when he accused the telemarketer, who identified herself as Samantha West, of being a robot, hilarity ensued.

“Yesterday, I asked you was there anything about Obamacare that’s real. Is there anything that’s real, that’s honest, anything? I haven’t found it yet,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Today, I get up and I come in and I said, ‘Pat, have you heard the robocalls?’ And he said, ‘What are you talking about?’ I said, ‘Go to TheBlaze and look for the robots.’ It is both hysterical and terrifying at the same time.”

The robocall did not come from the Obama Administration itself, but rather a private Florida company, Premier Health Plans Inc., that is looking to sign people up for the Obamacare exchanges. Time is reporting it conducted several tests and follow-up calls before determining that ‘Samantha West’ is in fact a robot:

When Scherer asked point blank if she was a real person, or a computer-operated robot voice, she replied enthusiastically that she was real, with a charming laugh. But then she failed several other tests. When asked “What vegetable is found in tomato soup?” she said she did not understand the question. When asked multiple times what day of the week it was yesterday, she complained repeatedly of a bad connection.

Over the course of the next hour, several TIME reporters called her back, working to uncover the mystery of her bona fides. Her name, she said, was Samantha West, and she was definitely a robot, given the pitch perfect repetition of her answers. Her goal was to ask a series of questions about health coverage-”Are you on Medicare?” etc.-and then transfer the potential customer to a real person, who could close the sale.


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