По поводу того, что
я пока не получил своего Сертификата о Гражданстве.
Оставляю здесь информацию, чтобы потом не искать, когда она понадобится. Поскольку, это никому не нужно, кроме меня, - убираю под “cat”.
Q:Will I receive my passport and the citizenship documents I submitted with my application back in the same envelope?
a:If You Applied for a Passport Book Only: You may receive your newly issued book and your returned citizenship evidence in two separate mailings. If you do not receive a second mailing within 10 business days of receiving the first, please contact
If You Applied for a Passport Card Only: You will receive your newly issued passport card and your returned citizenship evidence in two separate mailings. If you do not receive a second mailing within 10 business days of receiving the first, please contact
If You Applied for a Passport Book and Card: You may receive three separate mailings; one with your returned citizenship evidence, one with your newly issued passport book, and one with your newly issued passport card. If you do not receive the second or third mailing within 10 business days of the previous mailing, please contact
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