Войска выводят!

Jun 28, 2011 16:19

Победа одержана!

Two helicopters from the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan fired on and killed three fighters on the rooftop of a hotel in Kabul after they launched an attack.

“Two International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) helicopters have just engaged three individuals on the roof,” coalition spokesman Major Tim James told Reuters news agency. “The indications are that the three individuals on the roof have been killed.”

Afghan officials said at least five suicide bombers attacked Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel, one of two major hotels frequented by Westerners in Kabul, late on Tuesday night.

Local police sources told Al Jazeera that six suicide bombers entered the hotel after a firefight outside. At least one of them detonated himself, they said.

Guests were being evacuated, but some were still inside, police said.


Эти войны - бесконечны. Как я думаю, победить в них невозможно. Только уносят жизни людей.

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