Либеральные игрища

Jun 17, 2011 15:35

В Обаме остается все меньше и меньше привлекательности..

“If any” - как выражаются американцы.

Я понимаю, что ядерные отходы очень опасно складировать на собственной территории, и, в то же время, пытаться захоронить их на чьей-либо территории, - как-то оно не очень хорошо выгдядит.

Это если еще не брать во внимание сколько времени может занять поиски той самой территории и разные технические детали.

“Several DOE officials told us that they had never seen such a large program with so much pressure to close down so quickly,” the report said in reference to the repository located about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

The Obama administration did not provide a technical or scientific basis for shutting down the site and failed to plan or identify risks associated with its hasty closure, which could hinder the Energy Department if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or lawsuits prompt the agency to revive the project, the report said.

House Republicans who asked GAO to conduct the report in 2009 are pouncing on the study as proof the project should be revived, considering Yucca Mountain has already cost more than $12 billion, and a permanent repository would offer a nationwide solution for more than 65,000 metric tons of spent fuel currently being stored near reactors in 33 states, an amount expected to double by 2055.


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