Death threats are never acceptable

Aug 14, 2011 22:55

Spurred, finally, by a massive wave of complaints and photographic evidence of escallating risk, Montreal police have finally taken action against the notorious promulgator of hate literature known online as "David Mabus". "Mabus" was notorious for threatening the lives of people via email and social-media messages, targeting atheists and scientists and those popularising science "he" viewed to be inimical to his insanely-distorted view of Christianity.

(Remember all those yammering idiots talking about "no Christian terrorists"? I speak specifically of Charles Adler, who stank out the Opinion section of my local fishwrap recently with some officious bovine emissions on the subject. Apparently we were supposed to believe that Northern Ireland was under Sharia law for the past century and the KKK were burning crescents on peoples' lawns...)

Let this be known; no matter the cause, whatever its justice, death threats are never acceptable. There is no honest reason to send messages that directly or indirectly state that you will harm someone; doing so is not only criminal but also surrenders the moral high-ground to your opponents.

Also let this be known; there is no true anonymity on the Internet. If you write this sewage, you can be caught. (Assuming it's reported to the authorities, and the authorities can be bothered to get off their donut-larded hindquarters to investigate.)

-- Steve will not name the suspect as he/she has not yet been properly charged and he/she has not yet had the opportunity to defend him/herself against such charges, but that name is known and is trivially easy to find. Think on that, ye who would hide behind gauze while brandishing knives.

dumbasses, crime, news, science, links

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