My tweets

Apr 09, 2021 12:00

  • Thu, 14:24: RT @ snopes: Maxwell has been charged with a number of counts tied to allegations of trafficking minors with Jeffrey Epstein in the 1990s. h…
  • Thu, 15:15: RT @ 338Canada: Poll by the Environics Institute: "If a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 were available today, would you...?" Results by votin…
  • Thu, 15:21: RT @ BonnieCrombie: GREAT NEWS!💉@ THP_hospital has opened vaccine bookings to residents aged 50+ in #COVID19 hotspots. Book your COVID-19 va…
  • Thu, 15:22: RT @ jm_mcgrath: Weakly-held opinion: the ON vaccination drive is going to look like a mess for a few days because it's going to *be* a mess…
  • Thu, 15:30: RT @ MeganatLFPress: Questions now about exercising while under this stay-at-home order. Get outdoors and get active, sure. Just don't hang…
  • Thu, 15:31: RT @ mc_hankins: It might not be the Brexit you voted for, but it is the Brexit I voted against.
  • Thu, 15:34: RT @ FarahNasser: .@ CAMHnews now booking individuals with: • Diagnosis of mental illness • Diagnosis of substance use disorder • Dementia ht…
  • Thu, 15:37: RT @ Kidsdoc1Rick: It seems the UK variant enjoyed family Easter get togethers. Just took my second such call in an hour where a daycare w…
  • Thu, 15:47: RT @ GroovyBruce: Be a patriot. Be a good neighbor. Get the shot/s. Box checked!
  • Thu, 15:53: RT @ MeanwhileinCana: Breaking News: It appears that Canada has begun construction on a new border wall between the USA and Canada. https://…
  • Fri, 08:38: I wonder why folks advocating for limiting the franchise are never willing to surrender theirs first?
  • Fri, 08:55: RT @ IshatReza: We need more leaders like New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern. #leadership
  • Fri, 09:07: RT @ jm_mcgrath: “We questioned the optics of the province giving us an offer of 5,000 doses to basically have Amazon cut the line ahead of…
  • Fri, 09:23: RT @ harryt59_harry: Doesn't matter if it's Erin O'toole or Andrew Scheer. It stopped being the conservative party when Mackay sold out to t…
  • Fri, 09:27: RT @ JohnFraserOS: Imagine this, you’re a low wage worker, you live pay cheque to pay cheque, your family depends on you for food & rent and…
  • Fri, 09:44: RT @ b_momani: Great scoop on what may have triggered the royal family affair? ”When Prince Hamza visited the relatives of COVID-19 patients…
  • Fri, 09:45: RT @ JuliusGoat: My suggestions: Stop using "viewpoint diversity" to mean "conservatives get to talk more" and recognize that the conservati…
  • Fri, 09:52: RT @ CdnDemocracy: In the same way a sock puppet hides the identity of a performer on stage or television, the same applies for some bad act…
  • Fri, 09:54: RT @ dgardner: May I politely disagree? Social proof is a powerful force. If we are to get out of this limbo, we must overcome vaccine hesit…
  • Fri, 10:01: RT @ CBCNews: Canada's vaccine rollout can seem disappointing when compared to the quick progress in some other countries, but that may not…
  • Fri, 11:23: I generally use "which", but if one of those beings asks me to use "who" instead I'll honour the request.
  • Fri, 11:30: RT @ raylai_markham: The truth is, @ fordnation sends out a list of postal codes, but no actual plan to vaccinate them. Everyone sees this li…
  • Fri, 11:33: RT @ WaytowichNeil: 14 days and not one mainstream/legacy media story asking the difficult questions about Brian Lilley and Ivana Yelich. Br…
  • Fri, 11:33: RT @ BogochIsaac: 15% of healthcare providers recovering from a mild #COVID19 infection have residual symptoms at 8 months, most commonly ma…
  • Fri, 11:36: RT @ PlannerSean: Being in a vaccine trial feels very hipster. What did I get? oh you’ve never heard of it. Medicago. It’s plant based.
  • Fri, 11:48: RT @ jm_mcgrath: Fun fact: the Ontario ministry of health budget alone (~$60 billion) is nearly double the total expenditures of all Atlanti…

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