23:48 16.01.2012
Статья Title: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love QFT
Authors: Mario Flory and Robert C. Helling and Constantin Sluka
Categories: math-ph hep-th math.MP
Comments: Lecture notes of a block course by RCH, notes taken by MF and CS, 23
Report-no: LMU-ASC 02/12
Lecture notes of a block course explaining why quantum field theory might be
in a better mathematical state than one gets the impression from the typical
introduction to the topic. It is explained how to make sense of a perturbative
expansion that fails to converge and how to express Feynman loop integrals and
their renormalization using the language of distribtions rather than divergent,
ill-defined integrals.
\\ (
http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.2714 , 152kb)
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