Etherpad-like timeslide on very old PalmOS device

Dec 27, 2010 04:21

I've read this post from Hacker News and is impressed with the importance of timeslide feature. Timeslide feature of Etherpad is nice, but is really simple. It's a pity that it is not available in Emacs or at IPad.

I've implemented it on my 10 year old Sony Clie with Palm OS 4 in less than hour. It took 20 LoC in LispMe.

Here are two videos of my implementation. The first one is just a small demo:

image Click to view

And the second one, where I am starting to write this post:

image Click to view

The sourcecode is here. If you want to use it you need to create EpadDB with RsrcEdit. EpadDB needs to contain tFRM of id 2000, which should include Field with id 2001.
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