Съездил на JEEConf, получил отзывы на 2 доклада:
The hitchhiker’s guide to Java class reloading (Anton Arhipov) [visitors: 68, average rank: 4.352941176470588] [weighted rank: 4.254113020409342]
- Hardcore
- I've expected more practical info, but it was more like general theoretical without digging into details
- But I wanted more details, need more time for such talks
- Может быть чуть больше технических деталей хотелось бы, более ясных примеров... или я придираюсь?
- Ожидал большей глубины подачи материала, получился хороший обзорный доклад, но без кишок и расчлененки
- Superb talk and speaker. Well structured slides and general idea has been uncovered in a clear way.
- Interesting, helpful. Thank you for your talk
- Good introducing to javassist
- Very good, again, I think 45 min format for a speech is bad, it simply not enough to cover most of topics
- Theory was good, but from my point of view we're not enough real live examples, I would convert the talk into workshop
- Very useful, thanks a lot
JEEConf 2017 - The hitchhiker’s guide to Java class reloading from
Anton Arhipov Having fun with Javassist (Anton Arhipov) [visitors: 67, average rank: 4.119402985074627] [weighted rank: 4.11953278981455]
- not enough to time to cover topic
- Speaker has demonstrated cool features of javassist library. It was very interesting for me.
- Too specific
- Not very useful, but interesting.
- Great talk
- Была сессия живого кодинга с привлечением аудитории, но много времени уходило на общение с аудиторией, что сузило информативность доклада
- Good speaker. Not much info, seems too helloworldish
- good candidate for BOF session
- I probably could have done it a bit better :)
- not 'Deep Brain' but interesting
- There was some technical problems with mic. However the talk was great!
JEEConf 2017 - Having fun with Javassist from
Anton Arhipov Вроде неплохие отзывы. И кому то это всё даже оказалось полезным. Как всегда, аудитория делится на 2 категории - одни говорят "хардкор", вторые говорят "helloworldish". Всем не угодишь :)
Фоточка со сцены :)