I got my inFAMOUS poster up finally. XD It's the most expensive coolest thing on my wall now. :D HOORAY.
ALSO, this is totally not important but have you ever heard of those "claiming" or w/e communities they have on livejournal? ..like there's no purpose to them except that you got there before someone else and you get to slap a line of code in your profile to show what a giant nerd you are? ...........YEA WELL I TOTALLY DID THAT EXCEPT I GOT COLE MACGRATH (shock...!) and I think more people should go claim things so it will actually look like I got something awesome instead of posting in a community that no one cares about.
so uh...go....go check it out or something
vg_of_lj SO PRETTY YAAAAAY. Lol the picture is kind of not the best because I have to turn off my flash to take pictures of my wall....cuz uh....that Fallout Shelter sign is a real sign...and is made of reflective paint so camera flashes ruin pictures.
...lol see its the same picture with flash. CURSE YOU SUPER AWESOME FALLOUT SHELTER SIGN.
it's a real sign, btw. I got it off eBay...and I still stand by it was one of the coolest things I've purchased. (ONE OF.....CUZ YEA OBVIOUSLY IVE GOTTEN SOME SLIGHTLY COOLER STUFF SINCE THEN LOL)
ANYWAY UH. Yea so being the generally awesome dude I am last night I got bored and looked up inFAMOUS on yahoo japan. IDFK WHY. I know they didn't get anything special...but yeah ANYWAY LOL I found an auction picture that shows the inside of the case.
THE BOOK IS SO COLORFUL WTF. that's kind of awesome lol.
but one thing I don't get......WHY DID THEY CHANGE THE LOGO??? on the english/europe (...everywhere else?) release its inFAMOUS... but Japan its INFAMOUS. XD WHAT. way to kill the double meaning of the title, japan
THAT REMINDS ME. IN JAPAN INFAMOUS GOT A Z RATING (equivalent to US's "Adults Only" rating, as in, more hxc than "Mature")
I'm not quite......sure......why that is. I mean I guess Japan is super RAWRFAYSE about violence in games and stuff... even though Resistance: Fall of Man got a C (ages 15 and up) and Resistance 2 got a D (ages 17 and up) .....and last I checked both of those are more violent that inFAMOUS (and also got M ratings... lol inFAMOUS is rated T)
I remember talking to
eyebrowaddict about this and we came to the conclusion it's probably that giant explosion that happens at the start of the game (and is like the focal point of almost the entire game too). SO FOR LULZ I looked up Fallout 3 which also has a Z rating....even though they took out Mr. Burke in the Japan version so you can't even nuke megaton. :I
but then yesterday I also ended up on japan's amazon and uhhhhhhhhhh assassin's creed II is also rated Z. I'VE NEVER PLAYED IT SO I CAN"T COMMENT BUT I WAS LIKE LOL WUT. Is that game more violent than exploding chimeras or like....IDFK RIPPING PEOPLE IN FUCKING HALF OR TOSSING ORGANS AT WINDOWS? (lol resistance 2, you are so violent)
apparently inFAMOUS is worse than splattering you comrades organs against a wall, at least, according to japan. ~nods slowly~
also my mom is frying things and its making me v hungry hfdusfifguh its like...chicken and shit too so i wont even eat it but the smell of the frying..shell crap on the outside smells so good hhhhhrrrrrnnnnnnngggg. ~gnaws arm off~