Fallout 3 friends, you still there? ~taps on f-list~
If you are, great! I have something cool I wanna share, maybe I'm not the only one excited about this. haha.
"why you wake me up? :[ i havin' dream about desmond."
so after my cat got out of the way...
oh ok!
Giant FO3 book! O: omg.
but my reason for the post is because this book has a super organized character bio section (its a *LOT* nicer than the previous edition of the book (which i also have... D: wtf am i gonna do with two of them)) BUT ANYWAY!!
This book has bios for every named NPC in the game (That I've found anyway, I mean if Desmond's dogs have bios then I can say pretty much everyone will, right?) and if you don't have it or w/e I'm willing to type out the bios for any of the characters you want! O:
I can't guarantee the length of biography or w/e since some of them are super small (ex: Barrett has pretty much nothing lol) and some of them have huge ones (lol Desmond) but yeah.
I'm just excited about this and wanna share!
I *might* try scanning some of them, but I don't think its going to work too well because this is a hard bound book, is super super fat and yeah.. it probably won't work. XD
but with that in mind, yaaaaaay sharing time?
Bios so far:
Geri and Freki (Desmond's Dogs)
Doctor Barrows and Snowflake Greta Winthrop Charon and Gob Dogmeat, Dogmeat's Puppy and Desmond Griffon Argyle Roy Phillips Nurse Graves and Mister Crowley Mister Burke Fawkes