Oct 24, 2011 17:23

festival of blood is almost out.
i will play it 699 times.

in other news, i started playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution last night. It's been pretty interesting so far. I TAKE FOREVER TO PLAY IT THOUGH because i keep giving the guards too much credit. i did my first mission without killing any of the things.

i am however quickly figuring out the guards are really dumb (no srsly, theyre super dumb). you can hide behind a pole 2 inches away from someone and even if he's looking for you he won't even find you. i mean really. a pole. you won't even look all the way around it?

then idk if my flist is familiar with it but you play this guy that basically has robot parts. so like you can upgrade the robot parts on him with XP and all this shenanigans but one of the upgrades you can buy for him is the ability to smash through walls.

so taking my first thought that came to my head upon learning you can smash through walls + how stupid the guards are i bring you...

also i know the gun looks like a 2x4 painted black, but considering how herpaderp these guards have been it might as well be a black 2x4.

all i talk about is video games, art, i am a giant nerd, deus ex, cool story bro

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