Jan 30, 2005 00:08
Watching CNN and BBC coverage of Election Day in Iraq. One of the BBC reporters couldn't even be heard for the joyous singing, dancing and clapping behind her. She said it was like being at a wedding. They just said that the women are outnumbering the men about 3 to 1. I don't know if it's just in the Kurdish Autonomous region, or everywhere. What a trip! Just saw a security woman patting down a woman waiting in line (security is incredibly tight, just going *in* to the building), and the woman being patted down didn't appear embarrassed or bothered by it. As they patted down the small child with her, she turned to talk to the woman behind her -- she had a radiant smile on her face.
Praying tonight for safety for those people. It's amazing to see all the footage of people standing outside, waiting in line. I think I'd be afraid -- but they're still there.
Polls have been open for about 3 hours; 10 to go (I think).
As Unk said, "this is the first encouraging news I've watched for a while that has to do with that region."
As I think back to other nights we've stayed up late watching news footage like this, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I remember the night we were originally told about Princess Diana's car accident. I remember the beginning of this war -- watching it after getting off the plane in Zurich, and seeing all the bombs against the dark night sky. And of course, the days and nights and weeks after September 11, 2001. We were watching the news 24/7, and Unk even moved the small tv into the living room next to the big tv, so we could watch more news.
I hope this day goes down in history as a good one. I'm fearful, though.
current events,