Food, farting, and farmbox

Aug 04, 2011 13:48

You've missed a few BWA HA HA moments in our house lately and I've been trying to remember to blog about things Unk said lately that made me go LOL. I had three "food conversations with Unk" I was going to share with you, but I can only remember 1. *sigh* The mind is the first thing to go.

The one that has stuck in my head for ages was when I was cutting up broccoli florets and telling him how good they were for him. The conversation was something to the effect of:
Me: Cruciferous vegetables are so good for you! They fight cancer!
He: Cruciferous vegetables? Like what?
Me: Uh ... like the broccoli I'm cutting up now.
He: So is there a link between farting and less cancer?

My sister says this is a squash
Originally uploaded by Antof9. The broccoli is thanks to our CSA (lovingly known as The Farmbox). We've had an abundance of greens (of course!) and other veggies (recognizable and un), and rhubarb! We had several weeks in a row with only a small amount of rhubarb (so had to settle for "crisps"), but last week finally got enough to bake a whole pie. Anyone who knows my husband knows he doesn't really eat sweets much at all, and is more likely to be found eating protein at any time of the day or night -- meals, snacks, or otherwise. So imagine our surprise when we heard he'd had a piece of pie for breakfast the morning after I made it! Our friend Scotty (who is living with us for a while) decided that the Unk who eats pie for breakfast is probably a horcrux.

Unnecessarily pretty bottom crust
Originally uploaded by Antof9. Why is it pretty when no one will see it? My bottoms are always better than my tops. Sure, go ahead and make the joke.

Toss rhubarb w/ flour, sugar, orange zest
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

I'm not one to argue with THE Betty Crocker cookbook, but I'd consider (and then probably think it's too much work and discard the idea) doing this stuff on the stove top for a bit to make it jell (gel?) some.

That's a lot of unclaimed sugar
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

See? I mean, it's rhubarb, so you need a LOT of sugar, but shouldn't it be ... not so noticeable?

pie crust strips
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

My sure-fire way for perfect top crust avoidance? Lattice-work top. Works every time :)

no; they're not actually woven
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

Why in the world would you think I'd actually weave every strip? Silly people.

A quick crimping job to seal it up
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

Please keep in mind this is not my standard Christmas or Thanksgiving pie production. Just saying.

Yeah, it's the patented sloppy-thumb method
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

Really. And also? That's a really clear pic from a phone, innit?

I only bother putting foil on the edges at holidays
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

I should probably reconsider my foil policy.

The first serving always looks like soup
Originally uploaded by Antof9.

It would have been absolutely perfect with vanilla ice cream, but ... dang, it was good!

cwu, la cocina, csa

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