If more actors viewed marriage this way ...

Jun 28, 2010 12:01

I've had a crush on Will and Jada Pinkett Smith for a while now. From time to time I hear stories about their marriage or things they've said, or advice Will got from his grandma, and I like them even more. Today I was catching up on shows on the DVR, and saw her on Jimmy Fallon (I already told you I like him). This put them over the top.

Seriously, if more of Hollywood viewed marriage this way, the divorce rate would be cut in half, I think.

For those of you in countries that get Hulu.com, this should work. She's describing what her character does on the show this season. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what she says about being touched by another man. LOVE:

Seriously, her comments made me have hope for Hollywood. How rare is that?!


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