from giddy to vomit in under an hour

Nov 30, 2007 00:17

Giddy: Saw Enchanted tonight with wandererjen and Los Verdes. LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT. bcjennyo, I almost pulled out my iPhone to email you in the middle of it how much I was loving it. I'm so glad you put it on your Thanksgiving list!

Felt like vomiting: What's the line from Princess Bride? "Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. I will sum up" (or something like that). Unk is in Africa (Nov 22 - Dec 10). Not blogging about it because don't want to advertise I'm home alone (this is a friends-only post). Come home from movie, sit at computer, hear loud noise. Think loud noise is the suctioned shampoo holder in the shower falling which usually falls whenever Unk is out of town and scares the crap out of me. Look in shower: it wasn't that and now I am more scared. Then the carbon monoxide detector goes off (oh yeah, more out-of-crap scaring). The screen says "EVACUATE". So I grab my purse and phone and go downstairs, checking the kitchen first. Loud noise was ice falling out of the ice maker on the door of fridge (phew). Go outside and call 911. Nice firemen come. Test whole house, tell me a 4-year old detector is too old and to buy a new one tomorrow. They leave, I bawl like a cranky baby.

And now I'm too scared to go to bed.

(edited to unlock entry once he's home)

movies, trips, unk, 911

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