odds and more odds

May 31, 2007 10:02

Signs of summer at The Blue House
Originally uploaded by Antof9. Nothing too exciting going on at the Ant house. Just odds and ends and more odds.

I finally planted flowers out front! Two years ago was the first time I ever did it, and I was so happy I did (well, mostly happy until someone explained that they needed to be dead-headed, and then I was ecstatic). Last summer I never saw Petunias in any of the stores I looked in, which was sad. So this year, when I saw them at the store, I grabbed a bunch and forced myself to go home and plant them posthaste! They make me so happy. I find simple flowers like this so stinking cheery :)

Here are some things I've been meaning to file somewhere:
under teaching children to water ski
Evidently, my experience swallowing half of Lake Rollins isn't unique. My sister called to tell me that S1 got up on skis this past weekend, and she was really proud of him. Problem was that when he fell, he didn't let go of the tow rope. No one had told him to ... which is exactly what happened to me. Friends, as a PSA, hear me now: tell the kid to let go when he falls!

under foods I like
Moroccan, which is really no surprise. wandererjen and I went to Marrakesh Restaurant for her birthday, and it can definitely be filed under "happy food".

under common mispronunciations
Why is it that people often put an "m" in the word "voluptuous" when they say it? In watching "So You Think You Can Dance" last night, I heard this very common mispronunciation, and wandererjen thinks it's because it sounds bigger. "Oh," says I, "so it's a combination of 'volume' and 'voluptuous'?"

under random celebrity familial relationships
I watched Season 1 of Gilmore Girls (*sigh*) over the weekend, including the bonus footage. Turns out Melissa McCarthy (Sookie St. James) is cousins with Jenny McCarthy!

under false advertising
I stayed in a hotel last week with a charming message in their room service menu. It said something to the effect of "if we have the ingredients on hand, we'll be happy to make your favorite dish for you -- just let us know!" I thought that was the sweetest thing I'd ever read, and it made me feel so welcome and as if I were staying in the homiest hotel ever. So the night after I read that, I called room service and asked if I could get a half order of the very yummy Penne a la Vodka (I'd had it the night before, and liked it so much I wanted it again ... but it was so big, I didn't need it, and it seemed kinda wasteful).

The response? I was told they don't do half orders. (this is me, making a wry face)

under self realization
After watching a movie on DVD over the weekend, we started to watch the bonus footage for the movie. There were deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and "gag reel". At about the exact same time, wandererjen and I pointed out that our lives are a gag reel :)

words, funny, family, mebeetm, birthdays

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