Stolen from a couple people... slow day at work.

Jun 09, 2009 09:37

When was the last time you took a walk?
Forever ago, I need to start walking in the mornings....

Do you like being the center of attention?
Sometimes, usually only if there isn't one already...

What was the last thing you bought with your own money?
Some Jack in the Box for dinner last night.

What's your favorite word?
Uhh, knucklehead...

Do you sing whenever you're alone?
Sometimes, Its more of a whisper-sing.

When was the last time you ate cake?
We had ice cream cake a couple weeks ago at work, CARVEL... SO GOOD!

What was the reason?
Someone's birthday at work.

Which is more attractive: Blue eyes or Green eyes?
I would say Blue just because comic book chicks have blue eyes (wonder woman, catwoman, Sue Storm, etc)

Do you eat healthy?
I eat healthy stuff but its usually just a topping on unhealthy stuff... like lettuce and tomatoes on a burger island burger.

Does your password have to do with a boy/girl?

Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
Pretty much. Althought its very different than it was 3 years ago.

Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?

Would you ever dye your hair blond?
I did in high school, I think it looked ok, but that was another time.

how do you like your grilled cheese?
I really love grilled cheese with some tomatoe and or bacon in it, also Cafe Brazil's grilled cheese is really good.

Are you partial to turtlenecks on girls?
No opinion on this.

have you gotten any letters from any colleges?
Just fundraising stuff from UCF.

do you live near an alley?

does your mom have khaki shorts?
Nope, My mom hasn't worn shorts since I've known her.

The power goes out, now what?
Go to the movies or dinner.

What book are you currently reading?
A compilation of Robert E. Howard Conan stories called "Their memory was a Bitter Tree".

Last time you were really scared?
I had what seemed like a very long and vivid nightmare about 3 days ago, had a very hard time getting back to sleep.

Have you dated more than 10 people?

The last person you told you loved.. did you mean it?

What's your favorite thing about when it rains?
I feel like a rugged sea captain guiding my ship through a violent storm...
only my ship is a couch and it doesnt go anywhere.

Do you have a high grade point average?
Back in the day, yes, people just gave me money to go to college.

What do you think about war, in general?
Neccessary evil...

How about the war in Iraq?
I'm glad that Saddam Hussein and his sons are out of the picture but I'm not sure how good it was for our country, I dunno, I'm just glad I'm not in charge of who we go to war with.

How many times does the letter 't' occur in your full name?

How long until your birthday?
Seven months.

What brand is the shirt you're wearing?
Not sure, and I can't see the tag while wearing it.

How old is the oldest person living at the same residence as you?
However old Bill is.

Would you ever consider growing your hair out to your waist, or longer?
My hair would never grow to my waist, it would just get larger around my head.

Do you like staying up late or going to sleep early?
A little of both.

Do you play Rockband, Guitar Hero or Singstar?
I have played Rockband, it was pretty fun.

Do you get uncomfortable when people stare at you?
No, because I say "What are you looking at?", and they either explain themselves or stop.

Is your hair naturally straight, curly or wavy?

What is a sound that you can't stand?
A hamster wheel in the middle of the night.

Do you take a lot of surveys?

What does your usual outfit consist of?
At work: Polo shirt and blue slacks
Out of work, T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops.

Do you know what you want to be when you get older yet?
Rich, in shape, taller, less hairy, the usual.

Who puts the most pressure on you in your life?
I would say myself, because I believe that I "allow" certain people to pressure me.

Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?
Ideally I get everyone else to laugh along with me and then its not as bad, then they're like accomplices.

Is there any genre of music you refuse to listen to?
I really don't like country as a rule... Now and then there's a song that gets stuck in my head if I hear it on the radio, but yea, not a country fan.

Do you listen to any bands that you don't think a lot of people know?
Yes, Gogol Bordello... Gypsy punk band, best band ever.

Do you mind being called Princess?
I am a dude, the further I get into this survey the more I realize it might be for girls.

Were you bullied in school?
Not really, definitely not after 6th grade when I grew to be twice the size of any other mortal child my age.

Do you remember your favourite T.V show as a child? What was it?
Anything on the Disney Afternoon (Ducktales, Gummi Bears, Talespin). Also Batman the Animated Series.

Were you single six months ago?

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

How old will you be in 3 months?

Do you live west of the Mississippi River?

Do you believe in evolution or the Darwin theory?
Yes... although I think its all part of God's design.

Do you think eating animals is wrong?
Nope, they're yummy.

Do you believe all humans are equal?

Are you pierced? If so, what was your most painful piercing?
Just my ears, they didn't really hurt, probably closed up now.

Are you any good at Geometry?
Pretty good, I like geometry better than algebra because it seems more concrete to me.

What do you want to do on your honeymoon?

Are you glad George W. Bush is out of office?

What does your full name look like without the letters t,a,i,o,e,l,n or s?
Hy Dv

How often do you talk to other people about the weather?
Most days I just chit chat about the weather with co-workers...

Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey right now?

What do you think of Barbie dolls?
They made good hostages for Gi Joes, Gulliver's Travel's style.

What's your favorite kind of Pocky (if you eat it)?
Orange Dessert Pocky.

If you were one of the original 150 Pokemon, which would you be?
Snorlax, no question.

Are you one of those people who thinks they are cooler than everyone else?
Cooler? not really.... More awesome? Yea, pretty much.

Name someone you miss?
My brother Joey.

Name 5 things you're excited for?
1. Taking a vacation in July.
2. About to have a new niece.
3. A new sword I got.
4. Me and Amy's anniversary.
5. Iron Man 2, Thor, and The Avengers.

Do you have a web cam?

Have you ever been apart of a wiccan coven?

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?

What was on your mind mostly today?
An aching pain in my left kidney.

What have you done today?
Drove to work, worked, this survey.

Are you going on a vacation this summer? If so where?
Have some time off in July, might go to the beach in Galveston for 3 days, might sit at home and do nothing.

What genre do you mostly listen to?
Lots of stuff... I like gypsy music and movie soundtracks especially.

What was the weather like yesterday?

What are you listening to right now?
People in the office talking.

Are you in a band? If not, what kind of band would you want to be in?
I would be in a rap group.

Sum up all of existence in one word:
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