I would like to call myself a geek. I love video-games, tabletop rpg’s, writing fan-fiction or just writing stories and I want to start drawing again.
I love cats and until a few years ago, I seriously thought I would end up as a crazy cat lady. Then I met my husband and I’ve only had one cat now. Puck, or Mr Pucklesworth as we call him at times. He’s not living with us at the moment, since we’re not allowed to have cats in this flat. And it’s so small that I would find it cruel to keep him here. When we move and get a house with a garden he’s coming over to the UK. For now, he’s staying with my parents in Spain, enjoying their garden, the bugs and the sun.
This journal will contain a lot of stuff about World of Warcraft and other geekiness: I’m just warning you now!!
I’ve been playing the game since the release and though I’ve tried many classes and enjoyed them, there has always been one class that I loved the most: druid.
I would not say I am an amazingly skilled player. Yes, I can keep myself alive and I know what each button does. But I was never one for the theorycrafting or numbercrunching. I use other blogs and websites to get information about what the best gems are and what the best specs are at the moment.
I started with a nelf druid called Oronil. I did everything with her; questing, raiding, roleplaying and I loved it all. I remember levelling her on a normal pve server and I got her to 60. But I got tired of the server and decided to roll a second Oronil on an rp-pvp server. I enjoyed immensely. Now mind you, I’m a crap pvp player. I somehow get into a panic mode as soon as I’m being attacked. I just run around like a headless chicken, forgetting what my buttons actually do and start to mash on my keyboard. Then I die. I did become better in the years, I have to admit.
During my time on the rp-pvp server I met some amazing people and some of them I still consider good friends. After raiding in WotLK I started to get tired of playing the same things over and over again. I strayed to some alts, but getting them all up to 80 was.... boring me, I guess.
Perhaps it was time to seriously look into the horde-side of WoW and I’m happy I did. I’ve found joy in the game again and even if I am an altoholic, I’ve started to love my new Tauren druid, Sarabi. I’m playing on an rp-server now, with my husband who plays an undead rogue. I’ve never had so much fun again. Everything seems to be shiney and new and I feel so comfortable playing a druid again.
I’ve decided to level her feral. I can’t remember how I levelled my very first druid. Probably a mix of everything, since I had no clue what I was doing. My second druid was feral while levelling, then I went resto for raiding. After a while I tried moonkin and was sold as soon as I saw my little Oronil running over the screen as a big chicken with laserbeams. But now I want to stay feral and duelspec resto. Heck, I even want to submit myself to tanking. Actually being a good tank.
Sarabi just reached level 50 today and I’m happy to have mangle back. I’ve got a long way to go to 80, but I don’t mind. I love playing this little tauren girl.
About this journal:
It will mostly contain things I experienced in WoW, some news things I’ve read, my levelling updates, screenshots and I even want to start drawing again and posting it here. I used to be ok at drawing, but I stopped and after 8 years, I think it is time to take it up again. It will be hard and painful , since I’m always too picky about my own work and I know that I need to practice a lot. But as soon as I am comfortable with posting my work I will. I’ll also post some ic stories from my characters and their bio’s. Instead of shelving Oronil completly I will use her for some art and stories. Sarabi will also be in stories.
I’m a ranter, I love ranting, qq-ing, being a bitch, and just whine about things. If you can’t stand that, then I don’t think you should read my blog.
I can be very blunt and since I’m a Dutchie I find it easy to talk about certain topics like sex and other things that make some people shy away. Again, if you can’t handle that, then don’t read.
And that’s basically it.