The running man dance is my kryptonite.

Feb 18, 2007 22:49

So there I was, faced with a deep and utter conundrum - I was attending a themed party around "Mid-90s Junior High School," and the song The Sign by Ace of Bass was playing. Someone in the room demanded more dancing, and I offered the only dance that I can do to perfection - the running man. For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about, here is an example:

Though, my version is much much more exaggerated. Anyways, so there I was, doing the Running Man like a champ. All of a sudden, I landed on my pinkie toe, and felt my foot bend so that the top of my foot is pretty much touching the ground. Needless to say, I was in a great deal of pain, even though fairly (exuberantly) drunk. I sat on the couch the rest of the night, tried to stay off my foot, and just tried to block the pain.

So, somehow I managed to get home (up and down a flight of stairs...seriously wtf!) I got to bed, and made sure to prop my foot up some on a pillow wrapped in a towel. I awoke from an excruciating pain coming from my ankle. It had become the size of a baseball, and there were bruises below and next to my ankle. About half-way up my leg to my knee ached, and there was NO WAY that I could even touch my foot to the ground without wincing.

I started having second thoughts about the injury - was scared I was going to have to go to the emergency room. I started psyching myself up, and talking myself into believing that I had a broken ankle. I called my mom and asked her, and she talked a bit of sense into me - a trip to the emergency room would cost me a thousand bucks, fuck that. So, I decided to wait until tomorrow morning and decide then, but I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm not going to need a trip in any case.

So, I'm on crutches for at least the next couple of days. I couldn't do anything for me, so I appointed Craig as my personal slave (he even made me breakfast/lunch!) I've never had to use crutches before, and I can honestly say that I have pity for everyone who has ever had to use a pair for any amount of time. Crutches are so uncomfortable and un-maneuverable - I have already stubbed my toe (thank god my left toe, and not the toe on the foot that's injured) and knocked over just about everything possible in my living rooms.

Only thing I really need to figure out is how to shower (didn't do that today) and how I'm going to work, since my entire job basically revolves around walking around. Plus, to make it more awkward, I have a new boss who's probably going to want me to be out on the floor the entire time walking around or keeping busy, since she's new. I mean, even my old boss (who is fairly new) still hasn't quite gotten used to the lack of jobs for us to do - I think she feels guilty about us not doing much of anything, when in actuality, that's what we were hired for. We deal with the worst of things in the library and make sure everyone gets out. We have shitty hours, and because we do a job that most people don't want to do (deal with kicking people out of study rooms, being noisy, and generally confrontational) we are afforded the luxury of not having many tasks.

Sorry, work rant off. I love my job, I don't think I'd want to work anywhere else in town over the department I work for, so I don't want it to seem like I'm bitching, more just generally nervous.

Anyways, I hope you all had a good laugh at my sob story about my ankle. I'll be accepting donations of chicken noodle soup, get well cards, and Snapple (diet peach, please!) at my residence. Stupid running man dance - as I said in the title, it is my kryptonite.

sprained ankle, running man

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