the rest of my day was...

Mar 01, 2009 20:52

okay i guess.  i was trying so careful to keep my back from popping but i just had to give the dog a bath...when i tried to get up after drying her it went, had to wear the TENS (electronic nerve stimulator) thing for a while.

britt found a fun way to walk the dog, her riding her bike and holding the, chewy does most of the pulling she hardly has to peddle...that dog can really run!  they did that yesterday and today and the dog is worn out and asleep and britt went to bed at 8 instead of her usual 9:30 since she said she was tired!  didn't even argue when i asked her to take her wonder it's 45 degrees out tonight!  :-]

4 more days of wearing the stupid hose!!  then i think i'll burn them...well maybe not i still have to do the other leg....but when?  definately not til the other is back to normal...probably in a month.  can't have two legs driving me crazy at once....that'd be almost as bad as when i was paralyzed...not fun.  :-[

i really need to get doing like minemouse  (i think if i remember correctly...if not sorry) is doing this top to bottom...i always remember back of the tv and stero, but forget the picture frames and shelves.  geesh, any wonder my dust allergy kicks up!  it's not like i have an excuse not to really do some spring cleaning...i'm home all the time, it may take a few weeks with my ability to stand and do things, but hopefully it will be done.  plus i have to cut the back grass hopefully this week, gotta get the face mask out for the smell of the grass, yep allergic to the smell of fresh cut grass...yard work for me equals face mask (britt says i looks terrible with it on, but it helps me breathe while cuting the grass!) but what does she know, she's only a teenager!!!  lol

well, it's 9 and i have to start getting up at 5:30 again...ughhh (school starts again...yeah!!!) 5 weeks til the next school break...easter.

take care and don't do anything i wouldn't do
(oh wait i don't do anything...sooo, have fun y'all)
renee  :-}
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