Feb 24, 2009 19:32
well, my day sure has been busy...when i get energy, i want to do it all at once...tho i will pay for it later with pain!!
i went out and did the weed eating in the front yard and around the trees (i hate the monkey grass or whatever it's called), and the gas meter, along the fence, driveway; didn't make it all the way to the mailbox to get the weeds there, but i pulled weeds and raked leaves from the garden...after that i got about 1/2 the pile of dirt out the front yard...it was a smallish size mound but the weeds seem to have taken it over a bit! then i ran out of steam! i put the plants back on the hooks on the porch from being covered for the freezes we had a bit ago...they were uncovered but not hung up yet...i swear i'm so lazy sometimes.
i watered all the indoor and outdoor plants, cleaned the kitchen,swept and mopped, vacuumed everywhere, swept leaves off the back and side porches, polished the furniture...i'm beat! still have to replant the plant in the garden, maybe tomorrow while britt mows the front grass.
britt came home with a bag full of beads (and a light red burn on her face and neck). they left early as some heavyset lady who was wasted fell on someones little girl(about 5 years old) and was sitting on her and wouldn't get up...when she got up she started swinging and puched my sister in the face and broke her sunglasses...she was aiming at another lady who was there but hit my sister....glad i didn't go now. my sister was about ready to knock her out, but a friend stopped her...i could just see britt calling me saying aunt linda's in jail...and the car would have been stuck in metairie...lol...i would have had to search for a ride to get it and money to get her oh what fun that would be....NOT!!! had it been me, the lady would have been on the ground before she knew what hit her, being drunk like that she probably wouldn't have noticed! :-)
oh well, just another interesting day of my boring life in the big town of st rose...so big if you sneeze driving down airline you'll miss it! lol :-D
later taters,