May 16, 2016 14:38
Fuck yes! Finally, people who hate Winry as much as I do! :D
When I found this community, I felt like I just had to join! I've decided I'll give a few reasons on why I hate her, and because venting is sometimes fun~ Beware of lots of swearing~ ^^
First of all, Edward and Alphonse all work their asses off to get stronger unlike this lazy cow who does nothing but leech off Pinako and act tough.
So any mocking towards her Edward does is well justified since he pulls his own weight. Secondly, this bimbo doesn't get to tell everyone else what to do. It really pisses me off. Especially when I compare both their pasts, and yet she always gets to be the dominate one. What was her past "oh boo fucking who my parents died in a war! WAHHHHH!". Edwards father abandoned him, his mother died in front of him, his father didn't come to the funeral, he and Alphonse decided they'd bring their mother back, it failed and mentally scarred him and his brother for life. He lost a leg and watched his brother, which meant the whole world to him, have his body dissolved in front of him, and he lost and arm bringing his brothers soul back, and that's just the start! Unlike Slutcy he doesn't just sit on his ass and feel bad for himself, he trains hard to help the people who're important to him, helping others along the way. So if Cuntcy thinks she can just strut around and insult/threaten him every chance she gets, Edward would be fully in rights to put her ass in the ground. I'm not even going to list how all the other characters in the anime have had it worse than douchcy. But even if he did put her ass in the ground, she would probably go running to Pinako claiming how she's the victim in all of this. Also, remember when she forgot to put a screw in Edwards automail and he almost died because she was too prideful to call him and tell him her mistake? Remember when she got there she didn't even own up to what she did, and pinned the blame on him? Then she proceeded to make herself feel better by forcing milk down Eds throat? Cause I do.
Get the fuck off of the show you fucking bitch, no one wants to watch that fucking Mary-sue tell off the actual good characters in the show.
Just because, I did a little digging on others opinions, and I agreed with this summary, I'm posting this one too -
Well, please hear me out on why I and most people hate her. I am not a crazed Ed fan-girl, and I am not completely obsessed with yaoi.
She is Whinny. Ed and Winry both had their parents killed, yes. However, Winry did not get any body part or anything else taken from her. Also, they died when Winry was about 2, so she couldn't have remembered enough about it. Ed and Al, however, got their body parts removed from them, and also were old enough to realize what had happened. You have to agree that she is capricious, she goes from happy to angry in 1 second.
She treats Ed horribly. She shows that she loves him, and then tries to kill him with a wrench. In the first series, she makes Ed buy her things. Ed gets a load of money when he uses alchemy, and Winry steals it. She steals it because the automail that SHE created wasn't good enough to beat the guy in an arm wrestle. How is that Ed's fault?
She is a slut. I think that most misunderstand what a slut is. She either has a black bra on, or an extremely short skirt on. I did a comparison and the school uniform skirt is longer than her daily wear.
She cries too much. Yeah, if she cared about Ed so much, why did she do so many horrid things to him? She cries for no reason, its annoying. She obviously doesn't think that Ed can handle on his own.
Winry is a whore. At first she showed more of a liking towards Ed. When she realized that he didn't like her like that, she went straight to Alphonse.
She doesn't deserve him. Yes, I agree that Ed should be happy. But Winry did what? Screw up multiple times on fixing his arm? Yell at him? Throw metal objects at him? Yes
Riza and Izumi have a reason to hurt people. They hate them. Riza is in the military, when she kills people it isn't comical relief, its showing that she is strong. Izumi does beat up Ed, because she is his teacher, she wants to make him stronger. Winry simply hurts Ed because he has other things to do than to always hang out with Winry.
Does she not realize that Ed has to kill people, and things?
I mean, he is out killing sins of alchemy and Winry just wants him to hang out with her? Is she that stupid?
That's all I can think of right now. This is why I hate Winry Rockbell
And one more -
Ugh, Winry. I don't know what I have against her, but I feel like every time she's involved there should be an Ed!Abuse Warning. -_- Also, It's probably the nature of her character, for example, If Ed was trying to quit, lets say smoking, and He, Al and Winry set a limit of three a day. But because of major withdraw from his normal amount, Al decided four was an appropriate number. But Winry would get mad at this and take it into her own hands and try to take it out of Eds. When he gets Angry at her because his emotions are on Edge, she'd run away crying and suddenly Ed would be the Bad guy. ((Least that's what I think would happen based off evaluation)) Or If she doesn't get what she wants she threatens him, since she'd been doing it since they were little, Instilling a fear inside of them. I just really don't like her, ((Sorry to any Winry lovers, I have nothing against you. )) But I hope to god this doesn't become an EdWin Fanfiction.
And that good folks, is why I hate Winry Rockbell.