May 27, 2006 23:29
i coundn't think of a title so i just put what the commercial said on the tv in this room...dumb, yeah i know, but i am forgetful. but i haven't forgotten my dream from last night, so here you go:
it was based in the house i grew up in, in my parent's room to be exact, in front of the large window i used to love to stare out of (and jump from the window seal to the bed). i was laying on the bed, and my baby's daddy was there. Codi must have been stretching her legs for real in my sleep for me to dream this, but i have dreamed before that i'll grab her little foot in my belly when she sticks it out and i'll shake it and tickle/rub it. that's what i was doing last night, but she could extend it further and i could see her toes and i would tickle them. i called Syc over to see and she did it again and he kissed them! then the dream switched to me running around outside from a cat, that everywhere it touched it burned. i never saw flames but the ground was charred. i finally got away to have enough time to discover and climb a tree (the tree in my old back yard right outside the large window). once i got up and was holding on, it began to sway with my weight, but i was not afraid, i knew it would hold me. (the whole time i was either running around or in the tree, if i did not see Syco beside me, i could sense him with me, it's like we were one) the cat gave up on me, but there was a dog that looked like Chewy (the 3-legged chow in my old neighborgood) and he approached the tree and was trying to scare-talk me down by talking and growling like he was about to chew me alive. he gave it a rest and that's when i climbed down and started talking the dog out of snarling at me. i gave him a puppy face and was wimpering "why do you want to hurt me puppy dog why don't you just be sweet and love me"...something like that...and he gave in.
that's all i can remember. here are some interpretations like i like to do:
CAT-"To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck...If the cat is aggressive, then it suggests that you are having problems with the feminine aspect of yourself."
"Cats represent power, freedom and the animal self, especially for females...If you don't like cats, or you have an unpleasant experience with them in your dream, you are uncomfortable in some way with the more feminine side of your personality"
BURNING-"To see something burning, indicates that you are experiencing some intense emotions and/or passionate sexual feelings. There is some situation or issue that you can no longer avoid and ignore. Alternatively, it may suggests that you need to take time off for yourself and relax."
DOG-"To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness...Also consider the notions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty ('man's best friend') and to be 'treated like a dog'."
"A dog barking and snarling fiercely at you shows you have some unfriendly friends, and also, if the dream dog is big and powerful, as well as friendly, shows that you have a very powerful protector."
"Pay attention to dreams about dogs, as they often bring important messages. Dog dreams that are positive mean that the dreamer is lucky in friendship. A threatening dog signifies discomfort with large social groups."
TREE-"To see lush green trees in your dream, symbolizes new hopes, growth and desires. It also implies strength and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation. To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies that you will achieve your career goals and reach those high places in society. The degree of difficulty to which you climb the tree will measure the speed of your achievement of these goals."
tell new orleans i'm high