Network Solutions - Ruby on Rails support? HAH! (and, we no longer has) :D

Dec 04, 2008 20:27

Yaay, we are finally no longer dependent in any way on Network Solutions at work. I was about to perform the switch, upped my Ruby on Rails app to the new host, and all was sweet. Network Solutions supports Ruby on Rails only on subdomains, which is one reason I wanted to get rid of them, but hey, a subdomain is fine just during the switchover.

However, it turns out that while Network Solutions technically supports RoR, it only does so in a fantasy-land "we technically support RoR" kind of way. What you actually get is nothing short of scandalous.

As I mentioned, RoR apps *must* reside on a subdomain only. On top of this, you get no shell access to your RoR app. You get no ftp access to your RoR app. It must be uploaded as a single tar or zip file via your web browser, which goes at an inexplicably slow rate, and also times out. Once it times out, you get to start over. I spent 4 hours trying to upload a 7 meg tarball of my app.

If you ever actually get your app working, if you want to make changes, guess what? You have to delete the app and re-upload the entire thing again, where it resides in a black box for you to delete again later. No matter the size of your app, if it won't upload via the time limit on their browser-based upload script, you're screwed. No other way to upload or access it. Seriously.

In other news, today I set up the work printer to email me when it's low on toner, which is nothing short of awesome :D
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