AntiTweak is now level 25. The death rate per level is about 2.4. At level 30, I'm going to keep better track of that since things change as you move up. 1-9 cake walk, 10-19 easy enough, 20+ easy enough so far. The real test comes after 40...
I ran Deadmines a second time with a random group. We didn't finish, & our healer was being a jerk to me. He said he wouldn't heal me unless I was wearing armor. No one else had a problem with me except him. This is why I'd rather group with people in my guild.
The next thing on the list is Stockades. That should be pretty easy. More than likely
Optamo will be back with me. Not too sure about the other members of the group, but there might another person from the first Deadmines group again. I have all the quests I can get at this point for it. I just need to get through my other characters first & finish Deadmines (again).