You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their lives, and all of a sudden you think, "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? Since when....???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy mine below, erase my answers, putting yours in their places, and then post the result in your journal. Please elaborate on the questions which would benefit from elaboration! One-word-answers seldom help anyone out. (Wow, those are some really specific directions there. The semanticist in me applauds them -- Rae)
1. Name: Rachel, but if you're my friend, you learn to call me Rae
2. Age: 28
3. Location: next to Tony on the couch, in our little house in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
4. Occupation: GRAD STUDENT in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Cleveland State University! I've been waiting 2 years to say that! After spending the first 26 never giving a split-second of thought to the fact that I might spend 2 years working towards saying that...
5. Partner: Tony, whom I met through Erin (
snmnstrz21) and Jason (
notapreppie). We've known each other for 10 years now, been married since October 2005, and had only lived in the same dwelling, city, state, and ZIP code for the 4 months preceding our wedding (which was the best wedding EVER, end of discussion).
6. Kids: Nope. I'm perfectly content being a godmother and auntie. If my parents wanted grandchildren, they should've planned ahead better (see next question).
7. Brothers/Sisters: Nope again. I wasn't told until last year that I should've mentioned back then that I wanted a little brother. Silly me, I thought that was my parents' decision. But I have a good handful of local cousins all close in age to me, so we all grew up together -- it was like having the fun and silliness and available playmates of siblings without the sharing or bickering. And now that we're all older, we're still all friends, and most of us live within 5 miles of each other! Plus now I also have Tony's brother, who's 2 years younger than me and with whom I get along pretty well.
8. Pets: Beatrix the ginger cat, AKA The Load -- seriously, she sounds like a full-size human coming down the steps or jumping around upstairs. She takes after my side of the family :D
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
- surviving grad school
- trying to figure out how we're going to get the house fixed
- watching everyone else's lives advance while I spent the last two years and the next three (including summers) in school? I got nothing.
10. What did you go to school for? I graduated in 2002 from Miami University of Ohio with a bachelor's degree in mass communications, specialization in TV/video production, with a minor in film studies. And then in 2007 I started at CSU to catch up on 2 years' worth of sciencey pre-requisites to apply to grad school: biology, chemistry, physics, human anatomy (complete with cadaver lab), physiology, neuroscience (with BRAAAAAAAAAAINS). I list them because they were numerous and some were really intense and real accomplishments. And then I got into grad school, which I started two weeks ago! I graduate in December 2011 (so far away!) as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I'd much rather get just the master's degree in 2 years (with no summer classes), but this is the program they offer. Plus I hear that as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I can bill insurance. Which means that I can help out my family and friends and still get paid!
11. Parents: Sigh... Lester & Esther. Yep :) My dad's a lawyer (the good kind), for whom I worked the last 4 years, and my mom is an executive at a steel company. I get along very well with my parents, as does Tony -- we joke that he replaced me as my mom's favorite, only it's not really a joke... I am extremely much like my dad (his side of the family has the overpowering genes, we all say), but I have a lot of my mom and her side as well. But as I have my dad's personality, Tony fortunately is a lot like my mom in temperament and noise/immaturity tolerance, so we all balance out very well.
12. Who are some of your closest friends? in chronological order: Lashanna, Jeannie, Amanda, El, Erin, Tony