Dec 11, 2008 10:55
found a metered parking spot on the street this morning so I didn't have to use a $4 parking pass for my physics exam, which I expected to only take half an hour (a quarter equals 30 minutes at the meter -- much better rate). I didn't see until after I parked and put my money in the meter (90 minutes' worth, to cover my butt and to give me time to sell back my book) that that side of the street wasn't open for another 10 minutes, and every other car so far already had a ticket...
my exam took FIFTEEN MINUTES. Everyone was excited when we found out there were only 17 questions instead of 20 (yeeha, falling behind schedule), but way to go geniuses, that just makes each question worth more. Fifteen minutes for completing, double-checking my work, and triple-checking my scantron to make damn sure I filled in all the right bubbles. My prof didn't believe I was done so quickly, but he gave us the quickie one-line equation to the complicated problem in class last week, why shouldn't I use it?
went immediately to sell my physics book back. I got it off Amazon used about 2 years ago for $65, half of what it retailed. Good deal! I sold it for $72.50 :D I called Tony and told him I'm treating him to Burger King this weekend :D
and I was able to U-turn in the street immediately -- big deal for a busy 6-lane street!
In a little bit I'm heading off to my parents' to wait for some repairman. I get a change of scenery, free food, an opportunity to exercise on their elliptical, and CABLE TELEVISION. I miss cable television. I'm thinking I may also make them a lasagna while I'm there, depending on what they have on hand. Plus my friend Renee invited me over tonight to help her re-learn how to knit, and she "enticed" me with dinner... I say "enticed" because getting to knit with other people is its own enticement!
OK, that living room won't clean itself! I love being a housewife :D
good times,
me being me