I think some of you took issue with a
post I made over at Debunkingwhite so I wanted to make an apology if it seemed like I was in any way trying to minimize the discrimination, and hatred any open atheist faces... especially in the hyper-religious United States. It is ridiculous that we can contemplate a political candidate (just as an example) with many different kinds of backgrounds for president, but the thought of an atheist is beyond unthinkable. It's unfair that people assume that atheists don't care about things like community or that people assume that atheism is tied to a lack of moral fiber.
My intention was just to point out that the people who are openly atheist are mostly male and white. (
Here is a source for this claim in terms of race, I do not have a source handy for gender, but it's based on polls of self-identified atheists, not my personal observations.) This alone isn't some kind of damming statement about atheists, for all we know, there are tons of secret non-white female atheists out there. What this points to is the fact that atheists face social ostracism (wrongly) and so those people with more resources (sometimes called "white priviligae" and "male privilege" in this case) are better able to wether the storm and come out being open about what they believe. (Also, I think I was wrong about the libertarian thing. I can find nothing to support it.)
Education also helps people to be more open-- and to think critically and make their own choices against the prevailing tide of religious opinion.
When I saw the post at Debunkingwhite I (incorrectly?) thought that "New Atheists" were some kind of organized group and I found a website that seemed to belong to a group that goes by that name. They seemed... well, they seem like very angry atheists who wanted to push atheism on to everyone else. I really think that's just as bad as religious people who try for force everyone in to their "one true religion" and I don't support it. Sorry, if this offends anyone. But, in any case, I do understand that this is just "one group" of atheists and not really a representation of what they are all like. I should not believe everything I read on the "internets."
Choices about religion are very personal. I have been an atheist all of my life, but I really wish I could become religious. I identify as Christian, if anyone cares to ask. I have resigned myself to just enjoying the music conviviality of church. I try to enjoy the stories and mythology that I learn, and there are a lot of lessons in those stories that do apply to the human experience even if I have a hard time really believing that there is a place called hell, or that a little boy killed a giant with a tiny sling shot. I hope some day to feel that connection to God other people talk about, but it just hasn't happened for me. This is my own choice and I don't think it's really that remarkable or great, nor-do I recommend it to any atheist who might feel like trying to find faith was "dishonest" --But, I wanted to share that too because, when I hear people talking about how evil atheists are I assume I'm included, even though I try not to be.
So, I'm really seriously sorry if I added to any of that with my comments.