May 21, 2006 01:08
I mean, not that important, but i wanted to tell someone and there's no one to tell, so i'm screaming it across the intarweb.
1. i placed into german 202 using the online test, and cheating my way to the top. ive got the summer to brush up, and im not gonna take it for a grade i think. just pass fail, so no pressure just pass the damn thing. Now i just need to find out how to take a class credit no credit.
2. i used to read a lot of intarweb comics, inspired by my enjoyment of stories told by picutres as well as an introduction to the world from a past close friend of mine. i don't read them as much anymore but theres a couple i keep up on, and there's someothing that prolly only i and this past friend would find funny for the comic of today on one website and im a little sad that we cant laugh about it together and wonder if the artist had gotten the phrase as a quote from a movie we saw together. ohhh primer.
recommendations. see primer. good movie, confusing but good. memorable quote about taking engineers out back and shooting them once they hit fourty (esp since my da's an engineer)
uhhh yeah. jsut subsisting for now. later kids and i miss yall