Sep 21, 2006 03:20
I have lived her for thirteen days and I bring you this digital communique as if from an outpost of my very own life. Things have worked up to particular moments, we may call them climaxes, but these climaxes are simply nodes that when weaved together create the fabric of our lives, and even more important is the moments between the climaxes.
So, so much has happend, and not so much has happened, ive eaten a hell of a lot of awesome things labeled vegan, towards the top of the list is a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake(V) from a local coffee shop, cupcakes that are so good they remind me of birthdays when your mom forced you to bring in exactly 21 cupcakes to share with each classmate, a variety of bean salads, raw kombuka drinks, a nori roll (or two) and of course multiple things masquerading as meat. Now I didnt come here to just eat things, (though I certainly am doing my fair share), but ive met a handfull of people, whom are pretty awesome for the most part, ive seen some music and visited some bars, played guitar (mostly by myself though I hope to rectify that in the near future), and have basically tra la la'd my way around. Ive visited waterfalls, parking lots past midnight where dear run from you, small parks and perhaps every street in downtown ithaca. I feel like I know my way around geographically, but I dont feel like ive found my societal niche, my community per say, yet, but give it time, because ive got that.
My job is .. a job .. an will hopefully get much better when, in a week and a half, when I become a supervisor and will have to spend dramatically less time on the phones. Also the raise will help me not worry about rent as much ... as much.
So all in all, im doing ok, Im .. surviving as they say, as you all knew I would, and I couldnt have done it without all the encouragement, and the being able to call and connect with my friends "back home".
Also I wanted to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday,.. You all made a slightly dreary day brighter.
When I was younger I have a memory of being in the car with my grandparents (my dads parents) and my sister, we were very young, I was maybe 5 or 6, she 10 or 11. They would talk to eachother in yiddish, and when we asked them what they were saying, I remember my grandmother turning back to us and saying "Learn Yiddish".
So with the help from a new friend of mine, im going to attempt to do just that, and learn yiddish. It seams like a daunting task because Yiddish, unlike other languages seems to be very tightly intertwined with the culture of jewishness. It is this culture that I am very interested in learning and getting close to. It is only recently that ive realized their is a distinct difference in jewish religion and jewish culture. Im also extremely interested to see where this jewish culture and my own personal beliefs intersect, thus a vhs tape I got from the library entitled; "Jewish Anarchists".