Jan 05, 2015 00:03

WOAH THERE. A wild antistar_e has appeared! LJ USER antistar_e USES LIVEJOURNAL. IT'S VERY 2009.

Anyway. I could go on about my 2014 and what I hope for my 2015, but really, the thing that's constant is our dependency on music to get through the times, good and bad, right?

So, like I have done for two years previous, I've rounded up my top 25 most played songs of the year and bundled them up in an easy-to-download package for you so that you, too, can have new music and know that it means something to someone out there. Music with baggage? oh god maybe you don't want music with baggage.



[cover art credit: anya rock by verabee]


oh my god now you have to scroll through all of my fancy formatting


are you ready?

let's scroll

or, a chronological listing of phat beats coming to a pair of headphones near you

Heartlines : Florence + The Machine : ▶
your heart is the only place
that i call home

So it's probably bad form to start off the new year by blaming somebody else entirely for the problems of the last one, but Kate is a menace and she needs to be stopped. (This is a lie. I want her to never stop.) She made this Book Thief mix and I don't know if you … missed … how important The Book Thief was to me for awhile there? SO YEAH, SHE'S A PROBLEM. I'M JUST GOING TO SIT AT HERE AND PLAY 'HEARTLINES' A LOT AND STARE AT HER ADORINGLY.

Salute : Little Mix : ▶
ladies all across the world
listen up, we're looking for recruits

Last year we had to go pretty far down this list before we ran across my most played song of the year. This time we don't have to. This is it. antistar_e's ANTHEM OF 2014. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED. Girl Power +1, Self Esteem + 2, ability Smash the Patriarchy acquired. I'M SO PUMPED!

The Gravel Road : James Newton Howard : ▶

I'M PRETTY SURE I HEARD THIS SONG A DOZEN TIMES BEFORE I ACTUALLY DOWNLOADED IT? Like, it's on a lot of those instrumental-only study mixes and character study mixes and the like. It got to the point where 8tracks'd be playing me something and I'd catch a strain and look over and be like "that's Gravel Road, isn't it?" And then I promptly fell flat on my face and did that exact same thing. It's REALLY GOOD TO WRITE TO, OKAY?

Happy Hunger Games : Sam Cushion : ▶

Did you know that before James Newton Howard came along and the Hunger Games franchise became … well, an ironic caricature of itself, there was this YouTube channel churning out fanmade scores to popular series? After hearing District 11 Execution on an unrelated mix, long before we were set to get anything official (we're talking, like, before 8tracks existed, even, though maybe not long enough ago for LJ fanmix communities,) I tracked down the rest of their stuff.

Shenzou : Steven Price : ▶

Fact: I'm one of those people that just … doesn't like listening to music with lyrics when she really needs to buckle down and focus. This was especially true when I was writing school papers; songs with words to listen to were just too distracting. But I haven't had to write a school paper in years, so that need for focus has shifted to when I'm writing fic. I'm definitely a fan of the instrumental-only section of 8tracks. "Shenzou", the intense almost-finale piece from Gravity, I keep for when I need to power through the ~emotionally charged moments~.

The Winter Soldier : Henry Jackman : ▶

When I downloaded this suite off tumblr, it automatically entered itself into my iTunes credited to Hugh Jackman. It took me awhile to notice.

My Enemy (Paranoia/Electro Suite) : Hans Zimmer : ▶

OH MAN, it was such a good year for Hans Zimmer, you're gonna see him further down on this list. Anyway, this was the year I got brave enough to post Maggie Fitzgerald and the Saltwater Drip to AO3, where it … received an amazing amount of acclaim. Like??? I'm still boggled????? Like, people have made amazing rec posts for it, and there's now a podfic version. LIKE!! For a fic that was literally just me being like "BUT I DON'T WANT EVERYONE TO DIE", the fact that it means something to SO MANY SOMEBODIES is just …. !!!! SO MUCH. And meanwhile, the second TASM movie came out. I guess. I mean, the score was pretty bomb, but 2014 was also the year we got a legit Spider-Gwen franchise, SO.

Closer (Precursor Mix) : Nine Inch Nails : ▶
you get me closer to god

We Want War : These New Puritans : ▶
we hold all the secrets, we hold all the words
but they're scrambled and broken so you'll never know

The Human Emotion : Tragedy Machine : ▶
the human emotion is
a very dangerous thing

It Makes No Difference Who We Are : Celldweller : ▶
if we could wish upon a black star
it makes no difference who we are

What do these four songs have in common? Well, friend, if you have the time, you should put this mix into your ears. Once you have done that and peeled yourself back up off the floor, you should trundle on over to 8hacks and enter that URL and download this mix, because you need it. These four songs have about 200 plays each in my iTunes, because I would binge-read Cap 2 fic with them on repeat. Like, listening to one of them without the others is just … weird?? Which is why they're all bundled together here. They're ALL tied for my second-place Most Listened To Song of 2014. I mean, if we're going to talk about early summer, 2014, then we're going to have to talk about the Winter Soldier and we're going to have to talk about how The Human Emotion is a horrible, terrible, no-good train wreck of a song and I hate it so much, let me listen to it a hundred times more. The human emotion is a very. dangerous. thing.

Baddygirl 2 (FLAWLESS REMIX)(feat BEYONCE) : M.I.A. : ▶
flawless bitches say "HEY what's up M.I.A.?"
it's for the women and, of course, Beyonce

2014 was a pretty quiet year in terms of new material in the M.I.A. tag (which remains the only tag of a thing I love that I track on Tumblr). She dropped a few unreleased tracks, and then in May there was this! Which is … basically a love letter to feminist Beyonce. Which, hey, us too, M.I.A. Us too.

Rocks : Imagine Dragons : ▶
where do we go from here?
where do we go from here?

Now that I'm sitting here actually compiling this list, I'm realizing that, tbqh, I did shit in 2014. Like? I worked. I commuted to work. Most of the songs are on this list because they accumulated a lot of plays while I was driving to and from WORK. And you know what becomes REALLY IMPORTANT when literally all you do is work??? The songs that get you through your minimum wage job without killing anybody!! YEAH!!!! THIS SONG GETS ME SO PUMPED TO BE NICE TO PEOPLE IT'S SO UPBEAT AND BUBBLY AND YOU GOTTA MOVE YOUR SHOULDERS TO IT COME ON GUYS LET'S GO BE CHEERFUL TO CUSTOMERS WHO DON'T DESERVE IT. YEAAAHHHHHH!!

Tongues (ft. Kopps) : Joywave : ▶
tell me all the things i've missed
who's been killed and who's been kissed


Turn Down for What : Lil Jon : ▶
turn down for


Ugly Heart : G.R.L. : ▶
okay, you're pretty
your face is a work of art
your smile could light up new york city after dark

OKAY OKAY BUT HAVE WE ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT CAP 2 YET? I mean, you've probably talked about it in general, but I mean, like, have we talked about how Cap 2 just devoured me there for awhile? (BECAUSE IT DID. YOU MIGHT HAVE PICKED UP ON THIS.) Sometimes I think it's hard to give yourself permission to love something SO MUCH, because there are always going to be people who try to police the way in which you are a fan. But just. THAT EXUBERANCE? That curl your toes, clutch your face, make silly noises every time you see something related to that think you like DELIGHT? That was me and anything Cap 2 related for about four months straight. UGLY HEART ACTUALLY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CAP 2, but it's here by virtue of the fact that I was introduced to it in the middle of this DELIRIUM HAZE and it mixed up with it like fizz in a damn pop bottle, I could NOT STOP SMILING FOR WEEKS. Like, 4th of July, my family camped out for fireworks and I laid out on our blanket and listened to this song again and again and AGAIN (the benefit of being from a deaf family is that I wasn't actually being rude by doing this.) Note: The version of Ugly Heart that I have is ripped from the music video, which apparently is faster than the album version? IDK mccarthyism thinks this version makes them sound like chipmunks and I think the slower version sounds like a funeral dirge, SO YOU DECIDE.

Just Desserts : Marina & the Diamonds: ▶
waking everybody in the neighborhood
telling everybody that i'm no good

I had this mix saved on my to-listen list on 8tracks for the longest time, because I knew it was going to be GOLDEN. I took at least half of those songs, and Just Desserts started accumulating plays immediately because it's another LEVEL UP, Girl Power +1, achievement KILLED A DUDE TOOK HIS MONEY unlocked song, and I am 100% here for that. This was in August -- I've got this really powerful memory associated with it, of sitting on my grandmother's couch while she and my mother watched true crime reality shows on Oxygen, reading this fic, and waiting for my next episode of In the Flesh to buffer. I was really, really happy.

Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums : A Perfect Circle : ▶
don't fret, precious, i'm here
step away from the window

SPEAKING. OF. IN THE FLESH. YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING, DIDN'T YOU? YOUR FRIEND ELIZABETH IS A SERIAL MONOGAMIST WHEN IT COMES TO HER FANDOMS, and I've only been making baffling, incoherent noises about that indie zombie show with the queer protagonists for MONTHS NOW. Well, we're here. We've arrived. We're going to start talking about the songs that entered my life thanks to this terrible, horrible NO GOOD SHOW that has eaten me up I LOVE IT SO. Okay, I know that a lot of people got familiar with Counting Bodies in the heydey of the Supernatural era, but I'm fifteen minutes late to every party, so I'm just getting here now. And I now have at least eight different versions of this song -- your download will include three! The original, the graveside remix, and a live performance of a remix.

Disgusting : Ke$ha : ▶
it's disgusting, how i love you
god, i hate me. i could kill you

Have you ever just let your life become a sinkhole? Just -- everything you put down in it will inevitably get sucked down towards this one point? Every song someone accidentally places near you, every "imagine your otp …" post, all just steadily … slides … into the vortex and you're not sure you're allowed to hang a sign on the door that says "~*~ FOLLOW FOR MORE SOFT GRAVITATIONAL BLACK ABYSS ~*~" but you definitely should? Like. This is such a Simon/Kieren song. "But, Elizabeth, this is Ke$ha." yeah. yeAH.

Instructions for a Bad Day : Nomorad : ▶
in the unlikely event that you think you have no one
look again

Okay, I might be cheating here a little bit, because this one is technically spoken word poetry, but wow, WOW, I am so in love. You know how 8tracks will automatically start playing some dumbass recommended playlist once you're through with the one you ACTUALLY wanted to listen to? Well, 8tracks did that to me here, except it started playing this mix and this song was the very first track on that list, and I just … ???? I STOPPED IN MY TRACKS. (also, SOFT GRAVITATIONAL BLACK ABYSS: "love and hate are beasts and the one that grows is the one you feed" is my Macy tag, and "the truth is whether we see them or not, the sun and moon are still there and ALWAYS there is light" casually shows you images of Amy & Simon, SUN & MOON, and "in the unlikely event you think you have no one, look again" is my MUCH-USED Walker siblings tag. It'd be silly to do a whole In the Flesh vid to this, but BRO. BRO I WANT TO SO BAD.)

Bring the Noize (J.u.D. Remix) : M.I.A. : ▶
freedom's just another word
for nothing left to lose

You know, I toyed a couple times with the idea of making a Snowpiercer fanmix, mainly just so I could have some version of "Bring the Noize" on it, but I would probably need a much wider knowledge of K-pop than I actually have. Seriously, though, Bring the Noize was my top-played track from last year and I was SO PLEASED to find a fandom for which it worked so well. Er. In a … terrible … kind of way.

Freaks (feat Savage) : Timmy Trumpet : ▶
the bass and the tweeters make the speakers go to
timmy play your trumpet let those people go beserk

*looks directly into the camera like she's on the Office*

Coward : Hans Zimmer : ▶

I TOLD YOU HANS ZIMMER WOULD BE BACK. Your download at the end of this post will actually include two tracks off the Interstellar score -- this one and Imperfect Lock, because I couldn't decide which one was more important to me. There are two tricks to listening to these songs: 1) wear headphones, and 2) turn your back on it. Like, both Coward and Imperfect Lock's strength comes from the slow build, so just let yourself forget it's playing and BE SURPRISED. I have gotten SO MUCH writing done with these two songs, Hans Zimmer brought his fucking A game.

The Hanging Tree (Movie Version) : James Newton Howard : ▶
are you, are you coming to the tree
they strung up a man they say he murdered three

[suicide tw, family death tw] On November 21st, as I was getting ready to crack into Pokemon Alpha Sapphire with the delight of a twenty-four year old about to return to the most important thing in her twelve-year-old self's world, we got a phone call. My grandmother had received a terminal diagnosis from her doctor, then went home and tried to kill herself. You have to understand, for all that I joke that being a former foster care kid means I've got thirty siblings and more mothers than a Russian fairytale, my immediate family is actually very small. I was very close to my grandmother. For as long as I've had a paycheck, I've been setting bits of it aside so I could fly out to Palo Alto to visit her. I told funny stories about her. Last time something happened to a family member, I dropped my scholarship and moved 4000 miles from Hawaii to Nebraska, and the fact that I couldn't do that this time just. Just?? Let's be real, I fell apart. I'm still falling apart. Grief is a messy business of building yourself up on one side and crumbling down on the other. And anyway, the point of all this is to kind of tell you that I got into this song in a weird way. On days when I couldn't get from my bed to my dresser without crying, I could sing this song. On days when I couldn't get more than four hours at work without feeling like I was going to shatter, I could sing this song. It became a marching song. Is that weird? It sounds weird when I'm typing it up like this. I'm going to stop, you didn't need to hear this.

Take Me to Church (female vocal) : Hozier : ▶
good god
let me give you my life

YOU KNOW, you might as well just call it right now: my last words are going to be some variation of "god DAMMIT, HK did a thing. Somebody hold my beer." And funny story, I didn't … actually … like this song very much at first? That's why you aren't seeing it earlier on this list. (Although lbr, I was possessive of this song from the instant HK introduced it to me, and took it as a GREAT PERSONAL OFFENSE if I saw anyone else using it for anything that wasn't In the Flesh -- ridiculous? Yes. FOLLOW FOR MORE SOFT GRAVITATIONAL BLACK ABYSS.) So I wasn't that fond of Hozier, and while the Neon Jungle cover is great, it's also more acoustic and I'm just not about that. Then in December this post crossed my dash. NOW I'm under the impression that this isn't another cover, but rather OP was editing Hozier's voice in the original version and came out with a surprisingly womanly register? WHICHEVER, SUDDENLY MY INTEREST IN THIS SONG INCREASED 1000%, ALL LISTEN ON REPEAT, ALL THE TIME.

So here we are, it's 2015 and I'm a disaster.


good job on that scrolling i'm really proud of you enjoy
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