Dec 02, 2013 01:46

Oh man, I need to learn how to come home from work and do something besides fall into bed and go right to sleep. Manual labor jobs, you guys D: On Small-Business Saturday, I took apart one 15-foot artificial Christmas tree, one 12-footer, two seven-footers, assembled a 12-footer, and stopped another 12-footer from falling on a little girl. I am scratched up and sore everywhere. I want the holiday retail season to be over D: I have to go back tomorrow D: You guys D: guys D: guys no D:

BUT. On the other hand:

OF THAT, 48k of it exists now in posted fic! So I'm going to call this month a victory. At the very least, I'm in a healthier place than I was at this point last year.

For laria_gwyn and usernameism and oneoffour111, Teen Wolf w/Harry Potter and PJO, Allison gen, Allison/Scott and one implied Scott/Allison/Isaac, AU, 12,000 words

So I took the prompts for the 12th, the 16th, and a prompt that I got last year and never completed because meep, meep, all aboard the HMS Failboat, and I'm combining them into one fic. Because reasons. The plot is not cohesive. There is no plot. This is not the plot you are looking for. This is Allison Argent kicking ass and taking names in a couple different universes. You never need an excuse for that.

[ You can read that here @ veritasrecords, because once again it got too long to post here on this journal.]

As for the NaNos for the 18th through the 30th, I'm still working on them! I have some other stuff that I've been neglecting that really needs to be addressed, but I like everything I've been outlining, so I'll probably keep churning them out into December! \o/

But right now I need to sleep, and then I need to send out a mass text when I get up because I need to see The Book Thief approximately seven more times.

nanowrimo 13

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