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May 02, 2009 22:21

Name: Sheepy

Personal LJ:

Contact Info: AIM: sheepywrath / E-mail: sheepmage@gmail.com

Character Name: Nia Teppelin

Character Series: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Character Age: While it isn't outwardly said in the series, we're going to assume that thirteen is her age.

Background: Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a floating castle with her father, the king of Spirals. Surrounded by people who didn't share the same face as she, she managed to find herself very happy despite this, her father doting upon her, and it seemed as if this fair-haired princess would always be content to live within the walls of of her spiral-shaped castle, unaware of the harsh world that existed outside of its bounds. However, the princess was willful and curious, and it was a question that she asked her father, with no true malice intended, that changed her life forever: Why was I born? Her father, once a very loving and kind man to her, grew cold and withdrawn at her simple curiosity, for it was very unbecoming for one such as her to ask such questions, and one night as the princess lay peacefully within her comfortable bed, the king of Spirals locked her away inside of a box - like he had every other child of his who had come to possess a will of her own - and discarded her like a piece of trash in the outside world.

The beautiful princess was completely unaware of this, and slept peacefully inside of her box-like prison, where she would have for the rest of time, had it not been for a not-so-shining prince consumed by the loss of his "aniki". Finding her by complete happenstance, he released the fair-haired former princess from what would have been her tomb and was immediately entranced by her appearance. She, who had never seen one other than her father without scales, fur or claws, was too enchanted by the boy she would come to know as Simon, however this rather fairy-tale meeting would be rudely interrupted by a Gunmen - a robot controlled by a beastman whose sole purpose was to keep humans like herself and this boy from inhabiting the surface world. The two saved by the boy's friend, the very fiery Yoko, and taken back to their home, the Dai-gunzen.

Mystified by the boy's friends with whom she all shared the same face, they too found themselves equally confused as to where she came from. However, that question would be answered quickly when Adiane, one of the sprial King's comrades, attacked the Dai-gunzen, and she revealed herself in order to stop the attack, demanding to speak with her father. Distrust suddenly enveloped her on all sides, and while she did not understand this sentiment completely, the princess managed to hold her own. It wasn't until a second confrontation with Adiane that she, along with the other people of the Dai-gunzen found out that she had been abandoned by her own father, much to everyone's shock. Not completely understanding this, the fair-haired former princess still demanded to speak with him, in case all of this had perhaps been a misunderstanding. Standing up for her new friends, it was them that saved her, without the boy's aid, much to his ultimate displeasure, furthering his inner despair. Accepted by those who doubted her, the former princess made a home for herself on the large Gunman.

Doing the best that she could the cheer up the boy who saved her from her prison, the Dai-Gurren were taken hostage by another one of the King's men, Guame. The former princess taken by him personally, she was told of what she and her other siblings truly were: play-things of the King, kept around for his amusement until their proved to be uninteresting or, in her case, possessed a will of her very own. His spirit rekindling within him, the former princess was saved once again by the boy who found her, freeing his comrades from Guame and taking her along with him. Realizing, with her help, that he was not his "aniki", and that he should not let the past possess him as it had, his abominable spirit led the boy to defeat the Spiral King's comrades.

Confronting her father for the first time since their parting, the former princess demanded once again to see her father, believing that if she were to speak with him that things would change. Accompanying the boy on his final battle with the Spiral King, the former princess finally confronted the father that discarded her, demanding a reason why he forced the humans underground. Unable to talk sense into the man she once called father, the boy who saved her and the king of Spirals fought, and in the end, the king was defeated with the help of her unwavering spirit and resolve. Losing her father, the one that had discarded her, the former princess vowed to live a new kind of life, one in which she would keep moving toward the future without looking back.

Personality: Nia is and isn't your typical princess. That is to say, while she does have quite a few regal and delicate qualities to her, she is far from completely defenseless. Raised in a very controlled environment has made her quite curious of the world outside of the capital city, and in a lot of respects, she is quite childlike, taking genuine pleasure in the little things in life - things she doesn't quite understand. She is curious about everything she doesn't completely understand (warranting the all too common, "What exactly is ___?" question that she asks perhaps a bit too frequently), and manages to find every experience at least a bit new and exciting; a quite refreshing take on life.

It is very likely that Nia doesn't have a mean or nasty bone in her little body. She, however, is not a pushover, and seems to have a bit of a spirited streak to her, which comes as quite a surprise to many. The girl has a backbone, particularly when she sees something she views as unjust, she will be one of the first to pipe up. She stands up for the people that she cares about, and given how quickly she takes to people, she tends to take the back of just about anyone she knows and takes a shining to. Someone in pain? Nia will come to the rescue! Someone kicked your dog? You better watch out, because this blond'll come running!

One thing that got her in trouble but is quite possibly Nia's most redeeming feature is her ability to think for herself. Despite living a very sheltered life and being the apple of her father's eye, somewhere along the line, she developed a free will, and that much both upset and - in some ways - frightened the Spiral King. Still, despite being a seemingly innocent and naive person (which she still very much is), she is able to form her own opinions on things, and quite often expresses them, whether that is a good idea or not. Going so far as to stand up against those that could easily end her, she doesn't seem to think about the reprecussions of her actions, and this too may come from her upbringing. Luckily having many people who would willingly stand up behind her decisions, this seems to be little to no problem in the grand scheme of things.

Despite being one so small, Nia has a maternal instinct that easily outweighs herself. She is friendly, nurturing and truly does care about the people around her, despite how well she knows them. She takes to people quite easily, believing that in the long run things will work out, and in that sense is somewhat of a blind optimist. It is true that she sees the darkness that has enveloped the world, but she chooses to believe that those things will somehow right themselves, and puts a lot of faith into both mankind as well as those around her (particularly Simon).

Abilities: The power of Moe.

Sample Entry: [Opening her eyes, she stretches an arm over her head, blinking a few times.]

Good morning.. Mm?

[She blinks a few more times, looks around.]

This is not my room... Simon?

[Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looks at a few of the pictures around the room with her in them, surrounded by people she doesn't know. She picks one up and looks at it.]

When did it get so green outside? And who is this I am with? I do not remember this...

[A bit of panic floods in.]

Where exactly am I?
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