03 - What exactly are Extra Cirricular activities?

May 13, 2009 14:17

I believe I am finally beginning to get used to this place, although things are quite different here than they are back home. People who are countries, a family I have never met before but seem nice enough, and something called mystery meat that everyone says I should avoid. I have found as well that I am very good at a sport called tennis, where one hits a small yellow ball with a racket over a net, and girls wear short, white skirts. I enjoy it quite a bit and think I may try out for the team. Little things like that have helped me get over the fact that I am still very far away from my home, made it a little less painful, even if just slightly.

I am also making friends at school as well! It seems so strange, going to school with other children; back home, I had tutors who would teach just me, but here I am in class with so many other people, it's a bit intimidating. There are so many things I do not know about this strange world, but so much more that I want to learn!

Also, someone new has appeared in my home. His name is Autor, and he seems to mostly keep to himself. I have yet to get the chance to speak with him. Autor, if you are reading this, I would love to talk to you, since you are my "brother", right? Maybe we can sort everything out. Maybe you can help me with my school work as well! I will make you something delicious if you would be willing!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention! I received a letter thanking me for participating in some sort of festivities. I can't say that I remember doing so, but I brought it to the store clerk as told to and received something from home! A jacket with our emblem on the back, the one that I always wore. Having that back makes me so happy, I never want to take it off!

[[And sure enough, whenever Nia is seen, she will be wearing this jacket, despite the fact that it is warming up outside.]]

marmon, rita, arthur

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