Mar 12, 2004 02:02
Volume: 5 Gallons
6 lbs Alexander's pale bulk malt extract
5 lbs Premier Light dry Malt Extract
1 lb Belgian clear candi sugar
1/4 lb Belgian Aromatic
1/2 lb Belgian wheat
Boiling Hops:
1 1/2 oz Tettnang hops
Finishing Hops:
1 oz Hallertau hops
Cote De Blancs Dry wine yeast
Cooking notes:
Seap grain for 20 minutes, boil water, add grain, malt, and candi sugar. Add half of finishing hops at 45 minutes and other half at 55 minutes, total boil was an hour. Dump into first fermentor. I'm letting it sit overnight to let it cool, and the yeast is hydrating.
Gravity = 1.092
Damn, this is a really sweet beer. This is going to get you drunk, for sure.