Another hospital visit for me.

Dec 17, 2004 21:23

So yesterday I was in the Hospital again, This time it was'nt because of my Diabetes, it's because of my Weight, and because i had pre-mature signs to Bronchitis. I have'nt really had my immune shots yet so my body is easily prone to disease and u can see. But while i was in the hospital I found out a few things i really did'nt wanna hear, one of them I already knew, and it was that im 30 pounds under weight, the other is that I have high cholesterol. So now I have to take this pill called Lipitor, but it's gona make things all better, im also gona start seeing a diabetic diet specialist so i can get my weight back to normal.
But yea I was released this morning, I was glad they did'nt keep me any longer, Im really starting to hate hospitals......The whole I.V, 3 nasty meals a day, blood being drawn every 3 hours....arggggg!. It sucks.

Anyways, a few hours ago I was browsing around myspace and decided to check up on Laurens profile. As soon as I read it my heart sank, It seems as if she broke up with me, it says she's single, and that shes intrested in dating and stuff, I dont understand why????, I get really confused at times, I mean i know she said if i go into the hospital one more time for not taking care of myself that she was going to leave me, But this time had nothing to do with me not taking care of myself. This time i could'nt help it, or stop it. As u all know there's a shortage on flu shots, and immunization shots. But yea I left her a message and a comment, other than that I really dont know what to do? I realllllly love this girl, Im shure most of u know this. I mean we've been dating for about 4 1/2 months now, and have been thru alot together, It just seems wrong to end it like this?...does'nt it. I need opinions people!
I really don't wanna be alone right now, And its how im starting to feel. Is there anything i can do to change this??

Well to jump to another subject. The bands doing well, we have a bass player finally ( like i said before), im trying to set up shows for us for this upcoming month. We should be playing some decent shows, we have alot of bands that wanna play shows with us, actually almost every well known local band does, including, Better left unsaid, Elora Dauna, one last embrace, And all was lost etc. So keep your eyes open, we should be playing real soon. For now im gona go, so if anyone wants to talk here's my cell. Memorize it damnit! 1-408-205-6999. hheheh. Thanks for listening byes <3

Much love,
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