personally, i dont believe the human condition is at fault for the degradation of our society. i think we as a society have destroyed ourselves. i think thats why law and order and shows of such nature are so popular because the bad guy is gone after and no matter what they are punished i think a lot of people think like that but no one puts it into practice the thought of individual is destroyed in our society yea we tell ourselves that you can be anything when you grow up as children were taught this but slowly as we grow up each year were told well not really you have to this first and do this and sloly but surely as the little problems of life attack us and we see peoplke taken advantage of and lied to by the powers that be that that is life and what are we gonna do about it a lot of people forget that as members of society we do have a voice in said society and if you think about it our generation is at a position to take control and to put ourselves in a position of power
baby boomers are dying
we are the generation thats going to take over
in the next couple of years we are going to be the people that run this country
are we ready for that
what type of people are we
we lie we cheat we steal we do anything to get ahead the screw everyone else right who cares as long as i get to what i want as long as everyone sees that i am better no thats no the human condition people thats greed thats deception and like it or not we are a product of our surroundings and our society teaches us that if we lie and we cheat and we steal well et ahead but oat that same notion douing such things is wrong and i dont think some people want to do things like that i dont believe that people want to lie and i dont belive that people want to steal but i believe that it happens and it shouldnt
there are so many criteria for why our society and sucks
and the people realize it sucks, obviously, but why does no one do anything about it
when we grow up and we enter the real world will we do anything about it
or will we let the powers that be remain and let the george bushs of the world and the rupert murdochs take advantage of us
i dont know where im going with this
all im saying is that everyones pissed off in this world and yet no one does anything about it
so many people are only concerned about themsleves and what will benefit them
lets just for a second put that for aside and realize hey we dont like the way things are for a second lets agree to disagree fuck the fact that your white your asian your a vegan your poor your rich your young your stupid it doesnt give a fuck everyones pissed off because were being lied to and being taken advantage of the governament as it exists right now has no peoplem lying to you day after day to suit there personal endeavors
personally i dont wanna enter into something like that i dont wanna accept that
but hey thats growing up now isnt it
our society is sideways and upside down but screw it right generally were not starving right were all melancolly right
weve reached a point in time were we can ask for more from our government
but the fact that people dont band toether and say hey lets change things hey lets make something good for everyone prevents any change at all from happening
the rich in this world want they and thats what it breaks down too
everyone wants the same thing when you break it down
everyone wants to be happy and what their business left alone and there is not wrong with that in the least, its the fact that for some reason or anythoer a lot of people refuse the notion of acceptance on any level
for some reason or another people in this country are narrow minded and jaded
im not trying to say that i see this underlying struggle between the good and the bad of society, the fact of the matter is that everyone sees it and no one does anything about it because its good enough sometimes and its imposed on us that good enough is acceptable and that we dont havee to try our all because sometimes if you give your all its not good enough yea we can be optimistic and say that if we try well get somwhere in life
the fact of the matter is as hard as you try and as hard as you struggle youre only going to achieve mediocore
and thats where the powers that be got smarter
slavery didnt end
it just evolved to a much grander scale now didnt it
how is it acceptable that the people that basically govern society will lie to you to accept there own purposes
i dont understand this and i dont wanna be apart of it
its basic its something everyones awae of but why dont people change it
and in a few years the people i know will rule this world and i will rule this world and i dont want it to be run the way it is i dont want the pople i know to feel the way they do because everyone i know is depressed really depressed
im generally overall confused but its good that im young and viral
its a recipe for success
lets not worry about ourselves for once
lets give and change things
lets not be taken advantag of and not be conditioned to live in a society like the way it is
who cares about the guy that gets lost in the middle right
means to an end
i just dont understand why its just this level of bleh in the world
its not like the rich get rich and the poorer get poorer no its better than that isnt it
the rich get richer and richer and richer but the poor arent poor no they have enough so that they wont complain and still profit for the rich
i dont want to accept that and it baffles me how some people do and generally epople should be pissed off about stuff like that how theres just so much lying in our society how thers death how thers everything
first we have to anazly ourselves now dont we
do we appreciate things
its hard to change our ways but what the hell why not if where not happy lets do something about it
sometimes the everyday drudge of things justs gets to you know doesnt it
i dont know what i am or if im anything special and i honestly really dont want to be
its just that i do not want to be put in a postion where i just accept and i just shrug if off
if someone lies to you and someone steals from you to suit themselves dont wouldnt you wanna change it money is thrwn around in our society business is buiness in this world people are nothing means to an end it should be mor edirect it should be more of a human interest but no one cares people onl care about themsleves were scared of our neihbors were scared of oursleves lets change something maybe why not e
i mean maybe people wont agree with me with whats wrong with the nationa nd maybe my ideas are a bit to the left its just the fact that i dont wanna enter into something i dont understand and approve of
but life goes on right
now life is an entirely different subject now isnt it