Well, I couldn't leave this day unmarked.
This is/was a man with character. Just look at his face! I want to talk to him so much.
Dear Mark Twain (Mr. Clemens),
Just want you to know that I think you are a genius. Yes, are. I believe that good authors don't die. Reports of their deaths are always exaggerated. Or something like that. Forgive me for plagiarizing. My favorite work of yours is
"Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences." I always thought there was something wrong with me when I disliked the Last of the Mohicans. I think I love you. [Seriously, antis, read this essay. Twain would have fit right in with us.] Oh, if only you were here today to rip apart atrocities like Maradonia and Twilight. And you would be having a blast with the Inheritance Thingamabob. (Just don't look at any of my stuff for a few years; I would probably be mortified.)
Thank you for your contributions to literature.
Arggh, lj is being stupid and won't let me cut. Everytime I move the mouse my screen disappears. What's up with that?
Wait...more importantly, why the heck didn't anyone tell me Mark Twain was friends with NIKOLA TESLA?!?!?!?!?!?!?