It’s here. After two and a half years of planning, too many rewrites to count and all sorts of other problems that persisted right down to the end -to the point where this video has been up almost a week, even though Youtube halted my upload and claimed there was an error- my next video is here. I know it’s a book that’s already been sporked completely once and is being reviewed now by other members of AS, but I’ve been writing this thing since 2008 and I’ve been determined to finish it, so hopefully you won’t mind
another review of Maradonia and the Seven Bridges.
Anyway, here’s the deal on where this is being posted (and a massive thanks to everyone who helped on my post a while ago): I’ll post this one video to AS just so everyone knows the sporkage has been started, and then any following videos will be in Armed with Sporks. For those of you who were wondering, the other guy in the review is a friend of mine who introduced me to this website when Maradonia was first discovered. This was back when all we had was the 40 page excerpt, and so we wrote a review of that together and filmed it at his house. It was awful. But there were rewrites and he was still up for it, so here we are. The reason for the different Youtube channel is that it seemed unfair for one of us to take the credit for all of this by putting videos on one of our personal channels.
And no, I still have no idea how to embed videos.