Worst cases of fan abuse

Jun 12, 2018 12:06

Hey everyone. So having fans of ones’ series is generally considered a good thing. Unfortunately some creators don’t seem to have gotten the memo. Every so often you run into an author or company that is arrogant enough to start abusing the very people they owe their success to.
Sometimes it is because they are incredibly egotistical. Other times because they don't like how the fans reacted to their story. Still others are simply deeply unpleasant people.
Either way I thought I’d start a thread giving everyone here a chance to vent about those Author’s who really treat their fans badly.

Here’s mine:
[Spoiler (click to open)]For my part I’m going to point to Lucasfilms recent conduct after the release of the Last Jedi.
Whatever you think of this movie it is obvious that a lot of people didn't like it. And they came forward with a the reasons why, often talking about them quite calmly and respectfully.
What was Lucasarts response to this perfectly legitimate criticism?
Why to start insulting them. News media resounded with claims that anyone who didn’t like the new story was a fat, racist, homophobic nerd who lived in his mother’s basement and was threatened by strong woman. The directors and cast of the movie started going on social media and insulting any fan who stood up. Several fans were harassed and targeted by Lucasfilms.
The result of this disgraceful behavior was a fan backlash that sank Solo in the Box office to become the first bomb in Star Wars history. Toy sales are at an all time low and it has been proven beyond a doubt that the Star Wars brand is not invincible. So there is such a thing as justice.

Anyway, what in your opinion, are some of the worst cases of fan abuse you've seen?
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