Apr 10, 2006 15:49
Hey, just thought I'd post some thoughts about the new Eragon pictures over at Shurtaghul. This is my first actual journal post in the community so, um... if you must throw tomatoes do so gently please.
Well, things are looking noticeably better for this movie! I have to say that I really really like Brom's costume. He looks absolutely kick-ass. Are old wrinkly mentors supposed to look so attractive? Actually, I just love Jeremy Irons, but hey. ^^;
And the ehm... the Daret sets are pretty interesting, even if I'm getting "willow" flashbacks (ever seen that movie?). I'm loving the lizard skins they put up, and I absolutely LOVE the "O RLY?" monster head stuck on the bridge... very humourous. I'm a sucker for lake/shore-bound cities with nifty bridges, anyhow.
As for the Empire soldiers...*dies laughing* The costumes would actually look pretty nifty if it weren't for those fingerpainted breastplates. I mean, molded abs looked fine on Roman armour, but not in Medieval-esque fantasy soldiers. And what's with all this black/red for the evil people? Are black and red, like, token evil colours or something? Sheesh. Poor colours. They are so abused (and like I said before somewhere, apparently only evil people are allowed to wear pointy armour and live in spooky houses).
As for the "Raz'ac"... it is quite obvious that they tried to differentiate from the Nazghul... in a really bad way. I mean, it is very easy to make something as equally good as LOTR, but not the same. Or maybe Paolini's descriptions just suck ass, but... NO THAT CAN'T BE IT!!!!!11!!!!11
Same for the Urghals. They are really funny lookin! XDDDD
Oh, and those sparkly tie-dye arabs are still floating around. Poor extras. Those costumes look all right up close, but... do they have to be so damned SPARKLY? I mean, all the head urghal has to say is: "okay, archers, just aim at anything that sparkles and you'll probably hit something vital". CAMAFLOUGE OMGWTFBBQ.
Know what'd be cool? If the Varden had all these dark red and black costumes... looking sinister... that's always how I'd imagined them to look. But nooo, the good-guys are always pretty and colourful. And in the movie's case, they look like... rainbows. And I think... ha! Imagine if Ed Speleers had to wear one of those?
Farthen Dur looks very sad. My battle strategy would mainly compose of pelting them with fire arrows and barrels of oil until they surrender five minutes later with black-burned tissue for hands.
My absolute favourite (in a good way) are those acorn buildings. They look very calming, and different. And cool. And strategic. I mean... assassins would just slide off.
Assassin: okay, time for my kick-ass dead-silent shuffle across the r----AIIEE!!!!!!!! *splat*
eragon movie