Пока такие как attorney Thomas Renz, выступление которого я изложил на русском языке , живя в США, не боятся публично высказывать своё мнение, то чего должен опасаться я, никому неизвестный блогер ЖЖ с аудиторией в несколько сотен человек?
Хотя некоторые идиоты из духоскрепной тут в комментах и делают такие заявления
logika kogo oni ubivajut a kogo propuskajut mne NEPONJATNA ot slova sovsem, vot naprimer Kary Mullisa ubili, a on velichina! i ja sizhu i dumaju, a skoljko zhe oni ubili ljudej o kotoryx ja prosto fizicheski ne smogu uznatj?
ili vot vsego navsego Trevor Moor - ubit. McAffe - ubit. a naoborot celyj Project Veritas do six por zhiv.
i have a hypothesis why (((they))) don't kill him.
1. he is affiliated with the religious, thus by advocating for some truth X he is SMEARING truth X with the atrocious reputation of christianity. he associates truth X with mental people and madness, simply by stating true facts. Indeed (((they))) used to artificially create similar situations for this exact effect: making it look like the mad people (e.g. flat-earthers) advocate for Trump.
Хотя некоторые идиоты из духоскрепной тут в комментах и делают такие заявления
vot naprimer Kary Mullisa ubili, a on velichina!
i ja sizhu i dumaju, a skoljko zhe oni ubili ljudej o kotoryx ja prosto fizicheski ne smogu uznatj?
ili vot vsego navsego Trevor Moor - ubit. McAffe - ubit.
a naoborot celyj Project Veritas do six por zhiv.
1. he is affiliated with the religious, thus by advocating for some truth X he is SMEARING truth X with the atrocious reputation of christianity. he associates truth X with mental people and madness, simply by stating true facts.
Indeed (((they))) used to artificially create similar situations for this exact effect: making it look like the mad people (e.g. flat-earthers) advocate for Trump.
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