✗ s i l e n t h e l l - monster questionnaire

May 18, 2010 03:22

Please tell us a little about the most traumatic point in your character's past: Getting his heart shattered. Everything he knew just went out the window. His heart was broken, and any and all memories just... gone. Including the knowledge of how to speak, move, breathe. He should have been dead, but the unique nature of his origin allowed him to recover. However, he hasn't quite gotten over that yet.

What makes your character uncomfortable? What are they afraid of?: Being always just seen as a Replica. Knowing that others see Riku as better and that the Replica himself doesn't deserve to exist because of who and what he is. Basically... he's afraid of losing his individuality.

What makes your character angry? Do they hate anybody or anything? Why?: Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku and Riku. Oh, and Vexen.

And Larxene. And Marluxia. And Zexion. And the Organization. And Sora. Well... okay, he's okay with Sora now. Kinda. Most of the time. When he's not in the middle of a tantrum.

Also... don't mention him being a fake. Or mistake him for Riku. Which is... kind of gonna happen no matter what. They're more identical than some identical twins.

Finally, please answer these questions for your character with a T or F:
*I make friends easily. False
*Having a drink helps me relax. False omg, never give this underage derp alcohol. It'd be lulzyterrible
*I always listen to other people's feelings. False
*I prefer abstract ideas. False
*I have enjoyed role-play during sex. False
*Working to a plan or schedule is best. False
*I have never cheated on a partner. True omfg he answered true to one of them?!
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