black bedsheets11!! aaaaaaaghhhh! mine are blue striped with little flower things on them. i want new ones. BLACK and white daffodilly/lily type ones. but right now my bed is covered in stuff. mahahahahhahahah. my carpet is silver. SEEEELVERRRR
how did you know that was my nickname in elementary school? who have you been talking to twotonetylerwithaheadfullofpetuniahairandribbonsandfrogbreath? my carpet has a silver lining. actually. it's more beige. ehehhemm.
sounds like a tortila rug if never done hear'd one. i'm going to buy you a chartreuse rug replacement, should your silver one find it's tumbled placement in the, say, closet?
you need a rugtyler? happy to oblige and saute myself with bits of potential andian spices. zooot. you should draw your room in mspaint with a 2 minute timelimit.
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