I’ve been slowly getting back into the habit of fan fic writing XD! It’s been so long but I have an awesome beta reader who is being worlds worth of help and support. Mostly I just need someone to push me a long or else I never finish anything. I guess this is why I do so many one shots and almost never finish my chapter works >.
Anyway! I started doing some Destiel (DeanxCastiel from Supernatural) fan fics. If you’re interested, you can find the two I’ve posted so far here:
One shot - And Then Came Love
http://community.livejournal.com/deancastiel/1760987.html And here:
community.livejournal.com/deancastiel/1719016.html Multi chapter - Color Me Descending (part 1)
I'll eventually post a Black Star x Death The Kid fic I wrote for my wife X3
For now, enjoy the Supernatural yaoi