This beautiful piece of faux modern cinderblock construction is the whole reason behind the kersplosion of my game and the lack of updates for the Arcobaleno Legacy. I worked on it FOR-EV-ER and everything seemed to work fine...and then I started playing - and the glitches abounded like STDs on a pox-ridden-whore. It took me about a week to finally give up on it after trying nearly everything short of dumping all my CC and starting over. But I was really proud of it, since it is the nicest big house I ever created. So I figured I'd share the couple of pictures of the demon house that didn't get eaten!
Teh Frontz. Arcobalenos Included for flavor!
1st Floor and the roof of the covered patio and garden pool.
2nd Floor... I was super Jealous of Apricot and Pumpkins Suite, it was totally badass. Sorry there aren't any detail shots of the interior...the demon house -above pictured- ate them.
Unfinished 3rd Floor...was wating for Lavi and Chello to age up.....
A Patio I would love to chill at. (Excuse the overuse of buymode in these examples.)
Looking right from the patio towards the kitchen and garden pool, complete with slide.
Lemonchello's sunbathing spot, right across from the bar.
In-ground hot tub for sexyfuntimes.
Garden, Orchard and Greenhouse.
Moar garden. Its the best looking one I've ever had... I never take the time to make em.
Full View of the back of the house.
+Well thats it folks! Hope it helped you kill some time!
++ Look TWO, count em TWO Arcobaleno Legacy updates this week - The orange gen fights, grows up and begins to see RED!