Title: Two Old Family Servants
Fandom: XXXholic/Saiyuki
Word Count: Drabble
Watanuki and Jiro Shin meet.
After polishing off all the cakes Watanuki had so painstakingly prepared Yuuko swept her friend off into the adjoining room for their 'Slumber Party,' leaving behind them worrying laughter and Watanuki staring awkwardly across the tea table at their other guest. The other guest whom Yuuko had thought to causally mention, the very second she was leaving of course, was also a god. Said god was fiddling with his tea cup and looking wistfully at the scatter of crumbs on the plate platter.
Watanuki cleared his throat and hunted desperately for a conversational gambit. "Um, so how long have you been with Kanzeon-sama?" (Kanzeon! a tiny voice screamed in the back of his mind before falling over in a dead faint.)
Jiro Shin sighed a weary sigh and smiled a patient smile. "A little more than three millennium now, I believe," he said wistfully.
"Yes, about that. She threw me a surprise birthday party on our anniversary. There was cake, which was a nice gesture."
Watanuki couldn't even manage a response. His mouth was making involuntary fish motions and his brain was stuck on a repeat sound track of: three thousand years. THREE thousand years. Three THOUSAND years. Of course, that wouldn't happen to him, he reassured himself hurriedly. Even if he never did manager to clear his debt Yuuko couldn't hold onto him forever, right? Humans died after all.
Somehow, Watanuki didn't think that would stop Yuuko. A whimper escaped him.
"Of course," Jiro Shin added thoughtfully, "the number of candles she'd but in it did cause it to burst into flames which did result in it burning down the West Wing of the Heavenly Palace but still. It was a nice gesture." Staring into Jiro Shin's eyes, Watanuki experienced the awful feeling of looking into the future. And the future was jumping up and down and shrieking: save yourself you little idiot! Save yourself while you still can!
"Oh Jiro Shin, Watanuki-kun," a divine voice cooed, and slowly the two slaves looked up to see two heads poking through the doorway, two falls of lustrous black hair. Two identical evil grins.
"We've got a job for you two," Yuuko caroled happily, and waggled a bottle of nail polish in their direction.