Dating, Skin, and Money

Nov 16, 2013 13:03

I wish I could stop worrying that every time I have a date my face might break out and ruin it. That hasn't happened once, even after my adderall-induced break out. And since then, I haven't touched the adderall. My period is coming up, but I think that I'll be okay because I've been working out and...I guess I just feel like I have more control over my face now. I hope. Ha! There it is! The doubt. And every time I'm excited for a date, I add more stress to it.

I'm actually excited to see Eric again. The second date is on Wednesday. I wish it were tomorrow instead, but it's better to space this out. I'm impressed that he'd asked me what I was reading over messages and I told him The Quiet American, and then he was reading it when we had our first date. I think he forgot that I told him about it. I don't know. There's just something I genuinely like about him, even after I've thought about him for awhile, and that's rare for me.

I need to clean up my diet next week. I haven't been eating particularly well this week. Too many cliff bars and nuts and beers. I'll back off the beer, if I can, and definitely the snacks. It really helped when i brought frozen vegetables to work last week; I'll try and do that again. This working out every day is also helping immensely. I need to keep that up when I'm in Colorado.

I have a date with Peter at 6:30 tonight, tomorrow I'm doing movie night at Josh's, Monday I go to the gym with Alex, Tuesday I'm hanging out at the Brooklyn Historical Society, and Wednesday I have the second date with Eric.

How did I get to be so fucking busy? it's actually probably better this way because I'm not eating much of my food and I'm not spending any money, which I have none of. I will actually be $200 in debt until December. Beautiful. And that's if I spend nothing.

Alright, back to laundry. At least I have clean clothes and a little bit of food to tide me over. 

eric, laundry, dates, dating, acne, busy, adderall, diet

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